
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

me and me time

Is it weird that I like spending time alone?

I love spending time with my girlfriend, my family and the few times I can be with my friends, but every once in a while I enjoy spending a day or two just with myself. Like recently, it's the week after New Years, my girlfriend is back at work and I have 2 days before we are back from Hiatus.  I had somethings I could do with my time off, but I decided to just do nothing. Well not really nothing, but in a sense I just did stuff that passed time. I did some cleaning, I watched a lot of recorded TV and movies and generally laid around my condo and relaxed. Tracked friends through Facebook and played a few video games. I did go out and run a few errands but generally I didn't do much.
  Is that really so bad? I don't do it very often but it happens sometimes during the month when I have a break from work or time becomes available that I had things planned for and it falls through.  It doesn't seem like it but for some reason I tend to feel like it is a bad thing.

 Maybe I'm just nuts or something but is it so wrong to enjoy some ME time? Is it wrong for me to be with myself?

  The truth is I have spent a lot of time by myself. Longer then I think most people do, but it's almost like a blanket that I wrap myself in once and a while.  I'm not totally afraid of the world and need to hide away from it all the time, but I do have to say that once in a while it is so nice to just push the world out of my life and just be me. Is it wrong to be selfish like that?

 I'm not even sure why I'm writing about this but I just needed to say it.
  Which brings up another thing.  I talk to myself.  Now don't judge me right away. Because we all talk to ourselves. Whether we know it or not we do.  I just choose to do it outside of my head.  Honestly it helps me keep my thoughts clear and allows me to speak my mind on something without worrying about being judged.  I see it as a way to vocalize my thoughts so that if I decide to speak about something in public, i've actually rehearsed it.  Many times I have entered a conversation and thought I knew what I was saying and ended up stumbled over the words on the way out and sounding stupid.  When I talk about the subject with myself, I'm preparing for the time when I might actually be speaking to someone and I can confidently and passionately speak my mind. I know it sounds just as crazy as I'm typing it. LOL! But I can honestly and proudly say it helps.  Hey, it hasn't failed me yet so I will keep doing it until it does.

 Well,  I'm going to finish watching "Parenthood"on my DVR.  And that's another story.