
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Observations today

You know what makes me smile and reminds me that I am smart. Seeing people walking around on a stormy rainy day wearing sandal's. If they only knew that it's not water squishing between their toes, its a ton of disgusting things. It's Dog poop, garbage, rotten food, oil, gas, vomit, human excrement and everything else that someone had dropped on the ground, someone else stepped on then it rolled around in the rest of the garbage, dried up and then was caught up in the rain and washed into your feet.  Enjoy that image. And what makes me feel even better is that most of these people will get home tonight and just get right into bed without washing their feet. YUCK! But I was smart and wore shoes. Because I like my feet. :)

Driving in to work today I realized something listening to the commercials, Chevy has been advertising for their Cruze car, Malibu, Equinox and Camero. Yet I haven't seen or heard a single commercial for the Chevrolet Volt.  In fact, when was the last time you saw any GM company advertise a Green or electric/hybrid car on TV or radio.  GM supports the green effort......Yeah right, like hell they are. :( And people wonder why "Who Killed the Electric Car" is a popular movie.