
Monday, July 2, 2012

Brain Freeze Remedy for Headaches / Migraines.

Ok I'm no expert but I have found that giving yourself a Brain Freeze does remove the pain of a severe headache.
   It started when I'm working outside and I start to get a headache, usually due to exhaustion or lack of food though drinking plenty of water,  by giving myself a brain freeze using ice water helps relieve the pain. This is short lived but helps till I can rest and have some food.
   My next experiment with this remedy will involve the 7-Eleven Slurpee (well documented as a brain freeze inducer) and also the typical Ice Cream Soft Serve (available at most road-side ice cream parlors as they tend to induce brain freezes due to the soft ice cream being eaten faster as it is softer and easier to eat).
   The link below actually shows that this is effective as not only a temporary reliever but actually does relieve the pain of some migraine headaches or typical headaches.

Brain Freeze Migraine Remedy - The People's Pharmacy®:
'via Blog this'

The summer time is usually when I suffer the most from headaches and stress induced migraines.  They are usually felt right behind my eyes or in the temple of my skull, near the nasal passages. I figure this is primarily due to the weather changes as well as going from the A/C inside to the heavy humidity outside (typical Chicago Summer weather).  I also deal with a lot of stress with work and my personal life, these factors have caused me to be in active as well as almost crippled for several hours, wanting nothing but rest and relief from the pain.
  Though through conversations and research about headaches I have found in my own personal life that most of my headaches are from stress, hunger, lack of caffeine, dehydration, and being over-tired or lack of sleep.  A friend of mine who used to get migraines in school told me that peanut butter helped relieved the pain. In the instances when they come over me, I start by drinking water then caffeine, have something to eat (peanut butter based or other) and then taking pain medication(usually Advil). If that doesn't work I go lay down in a dark room and try to get some rest. After a few hours this usually works. I also take hot showers and rub the stress areas on my body. This sometimes works but not often enough. The Brain Freeze technique is the one I haven't tried yet.
  I honestly was worried about using this technique at the risk of causing myself more pain, but it seems that after doing a few searches online (Google) that I have found reports of people using this technique with successful relief.
 I will be reporting my findings once I have had a chance to experiment with it.

I actually tested this over the summer. I definitely felt a difference between ice water and Slurpee. It was much more intense and a little more painful. I did get more relief, though it didn't last.  Needs more research.