
Friday, September 6, 2013

One Direction Parody "Comics Are Beautiful"

You’re on a shelf.
front of the store.
You’re turning heads as we walk through the door.
Picking you up.
dust cover up.
Cover Art on the front is enough.

All geeks, nerds and dweebies can see it.
All of us know it is true.

MARVEL You Light up our world like nobody else.
DC your characters get me so overwhelmed.
IMAGE you fill up my dreams it ain’t hard to tell.
You don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics R so Beautiful!.

Searching through Halls all around cities.
Your minted covers are wanted so desperately.
Right now I’m raiding the bins for second printings.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics are so Beautiful.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
thats why Comics are Beautiful.

So come along.
The Con is on.
walking the floors and the rows All day long.
Stand in the lines.
Writers to sign.
The panel rooms brings the stars, cheers and cries.

All the Cosplayers in the room can see it.
Clothes, figures, posters for yooooou.

MARVEL You Light up our world like nobody else.
DC your characters get me so overwhelmed.
IMAGE you fill up my dreams it ain’t hard to tell.
You don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics R so Beautiful!

Cosplaying icons we love obsessively.
Your Films and movies are screamed for so desperately .
Right now we’re waiting for a Justice League film DC!!!
you don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics are so Beautiful.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
that’s why Comics are Beautiful.

Marvel, DC, Image, Vertigo.
Zenescope, Aspen, BOOM.
Dynamite, ONI, Archaia.
Top Cow, Dark Horse, Devils Due.

Artists You Light up our world like nobody else.
Writers your character work it just overwhelms.
Tears and smiles that you give us it ain’t hard to tell.
You don’t know.
oh oh.
YOU Make Comics Beautiful.

Hanging with comic book icons like Stan Lee.
Who oversaw Whedon’s Avengers Assembly.
Right now we can’t wait for Guardians of the Galaxy.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics R so Beautiful.

Cosplaying icons we love obsessively.
Your minted covers are wanted so desperately.
Right Now we want them to fill public libraries!
you don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics are so Beautiful.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
Comics are so Beautiful.
you don’t know.
oh oh.
That’s why Comics R Beautiful.

American Pie

Understanding American Pie

My loving wife introduced me to this website. I have NO idea how much "American Pie" spoke about the cultural and music events of the 1960's. IT brings to light the subject of "High Fidelity" where the main character is organizing his music collection Autobiographically.  "American Pie" is essentially one songwriters view of the changes of Rock music while he was growing up. Which brings up the question....Is there a song from that defines the eras of your life? One for the 1970's? The 1980's? The 1990's? The 2000's? Is there just one genre that speaks to you? Does the culmination of your life experiences with the changing time of your life sum up in one song?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I LOVE Wahammer 40,000!

Why are adults still launching tabletop war?

It's a table top game, but on a large scale. You use paper/pencil and dice, but you don't play a character, you play an ARMY!
  The idea I have come to understand is that it's comparable to 2 other table top games. Risk and Chess. You are playing an opponent across the table from you. You have your army and he has his. The only difference is, you had to purchase, assemble and paint the army yourself.
  It goes to the model building that we all have starting back when we were kids. We all had our phases of building blocks and assembling things with Lego's or Linking Logs or whatever construction kit you had as a kid.  Some people find other things after a while to interest them, where others still enjoy building things. Be it full size Lego kits, Model trains, cars, airplanes, which can then lead to carpentry, architecture and even computer building.
 Human beings love to build. If it's not with blocks its sand, mud, wood, metal, clothes, anything that can be done with your hands, we work with it.
  This is just an expansion on that but with finer detailing. The miniatures that are involved with Warhammer 40K come in 2 types, plastic and metal.  Many come as one piece and others in pieces that need to be assembled. Once those pieces are assembled, the process of painting them to your liking is started. Once they are finished, they are ready for the battlefield.
 I personally have been involved with the game since High School. I discovered it on a day trip in Philidelphia, PA. I passed by a store called Games Workshop and I went in to see what they had. I was amazed at what I found and couldn't help but pick up a few miniatures. I took them home and had them for years before I realized what the game was and how it worked. I then began collecting more miniatures and building armies around them. It was after I graduated High School that I began working on them at home in my spare time. Then when I went to college I had to leave them behind. After college I came home and was revitalized by them, while I was hunting for work and trying to scratch out a living. I invested my time and creativity into the hobby and found it very fulfilling and enjoyable.
  The only drawback was the amount of traveling I had to do to get to the locations to play. I wasn't guaranteed a game but when I did they were fun. I didn't win most of the time, but I was playing and having fun and that was all I needed.
 I still have armies and I still work on them but just not as often as I like. I still love the game and keep up with it as much as possible, but I have chosen to only play 2 armies in Warhammer 40,000(Space Marines and Tau). I originally had plans to build up 4 or 5 armies but finance, time and need for space made that impossible. Not to mention that I got married and now have a kid to support, so my armies are a side project based on freetime.  But I still love the game and keep track of the developments and rules so I can jump back in when I can.
   I may not always get to play or win, but it's a game that will never be old for me.

A Mantra using Words of Wisdom.

The only True Wisdom is Knowing that you know Nothing. For Knowledge is Power, but Power Corrupts. So realize that With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. For It is your responsibility to Share your Knowledge. It is a way to achieve Immortality. Understand that Education breeds Confidence, Confidence breeds Hope, Hope breeds Peace. You Have to Judge success by what you had to give up to attain it. Remember that Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it’s Stupid. It means you are Stupid.  For Ignorance leads to Fear, Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering. But, On the other side of Fear is Freedom. So Expose yourself to your deepest Fear, then fear has no power and it shrinks and vanishes. You are free. Always know that You are Responsible for your own Happiness. For Happiness starts with you. Not your relationships, or your friends, or your job, but with you. The secret of Happiness is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. Because Someone else is Happy with less than what you have. He who buys what he doesn't need, steals from himself. Know the difference between "Needs" and "Wants". The Happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have. You cannot attain Happiness; it attains you - but only after you surrender everything else. Nothing worth Having comes the easy way. Remember, Life is hard.  But It’s supposed to be Hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it the same. The Hard is what makes it Great. When you come out the other side, you will be Great.