
Thursday, December 4, 2014

I am not a fan of someone that I see every day.

    Ok I have to get this off my chest because it is really starting to bug me.  I watch "Waking up with Al"on the Weather Channel every morning during the week so I can get the local weather and meteorological info. before I head to work. Now I really like the show and Al Roker really knows his stuff when it comes to weather,but over the last two-three months I have been noticing something that is bothering me.  I don't like Stephanie Abrams;  Al Roker's co-host on the morning show.  At first I thought it might because I didn't she was attractive or the way she talked or something stupid like that, but then I started noticing something the more and more I watched. It didn't hit me right away because I get up at 5AM so I'm not totally awake, but by the time my exercise and breakfast hits me(blood pumping), I noticed it.
  She is very Condescending toward people.
   I really couldn't believe it at first when I heard some of the things she was saying. I can't remember all of the instances, I just know of 3 that stick out for me.
  This morning specifically was the one that hit me the hardest.  Al and Stephanie were interviewing a young woman from NASA who was talking about the rocket launch today. Al seemed to be hitting all the major points on the launch. Then Stephanie starts in on her as to "Why should people care about the space program." Now at first I figured it was a good subject to ask about, but then halfway through the woman's response Stephanie actually interrupts her asking and  I'm paraphrasing here.."Why should we care about this program?" Now I could see that the woman was taken aback a second by the interruption, and shortly after Al ended the interview to move on.
  The second time I saw this was near Thanksgiving during the major snow storms that were happening on the east coast. Stephanie was on location  and was speaking with another weather reporter who was at a different location (both out in the field) and just as he finished up his report, Stephanie starts speaking to him like he had no idea what he was talking about, when he had actually said nothing wrong or inaccurate!
 The third time was about a month or so ago when Al and Stephanie were discussing matters on Alternate energy sources and possible other sources of energy with experts in studio and on the screen. Now it seemed like Al was very positive on many of the subject and the products. Stephanie however was taking every opportunity to judge them as ridiculous. I mean she didn't say it, but the way she spoke and her responses just seemed derogatory and reminded me of the popular girls in school who put stuff down because it doesn't look pretty or has nothing to do with her fashion needs.
  Honestly for a while I was glad when Stephanie Abrams had time off for a while and Jen Carfango filled in a few times.
 I hope I've misinterpreted  Stephanie Abrams in these events and that I'm wrong about this, but so far it keeps getting more and more obvious of the type of person she is and I don't like having this be the start to my day. I really like the Weather Channel and I especially love Al Roker and the crew at AMHQ.   Stephanie Abrams however is starting to rub me the wrong way.