
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coyote and RoadRunner - Zoom and Bored (14.09.1957)

I was just thinking about it as I was watching some the Road Runner/Coyote cartoons and couldn't help but notice the similarities to the dating world. The road runner seems to symbolize the woman (free and on the run) and the coyote (in constant pursuit), using anything in his arsenal to capture his prey. Very much a symbol of Human Courting Rituals. A.K.A. Dating. Men pursuing women endlessly and always, no matter what the man does, she always slips from his grasp.
  Now don't misunderstand what I mean. I'm not saying that men are just after women because they are succulent birds of prey that we wish to devour entirely leaving nothing but feathers and bones, NO, no, no, no, no, N. O. NO! What I mean is the pursuit of women is very, Very, VERY! similar.

  Seriously, if you really look at the emphasis there is on the coyote using so many contraptions and devices and unique things to try and capture, distract or entrap the road runner, it is very similar to the kinds of techniques men will employ in order to get a woman's attention and pursue.  And many times the woman simply flashers her tail and in her own way goes "MEEP MEEP" and vanishes in a dust-puff of makeup powder, perfume and lip gloss, which some I might add actually has names similar to food.

 In addition, there is great emphasis in the cartoon of the pain that Coyote goes through. Now don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that the woman puts the man through all the pain. I have three sisters and I know exactly how much pain and suffering goes into preparation before going out for the night and what it takes to maintain the looks.  What I'm saying is that women are always making statements about the hurt and pain that a woman goes through in a relationship. How often do you hear about the men's side of the equation??    Many times women, drama queens that they are.......And you know you are when it comes to your dating, gloss over the fact that men get hurt just as much as women do.  When a man is rejected by a woman, they don't really realize the kind of pain and hurt they just caused the man.  Which really some do not deserve. I know, I know there are plenty of Douche-bag men out there! BELIEVE ME I know! Most of which are in positions of power. But some men are really just looking to have a nice time with a woman. Hoping he presents himself enough that she will see he isn't the douche-y kind of guy many women think most men are.

  But hey, I'm not saying that all women are like that, because I know they aren't. Seriously, I know there are millions of loving, caring wonderful women out there that are just looking for a guy to love them. Unfortunately, guys see too many Road Runner women whose only interested is the game of pursuit and watching the guy slam on the pavement as he falls from a cliff. 
   Huh? Funny Women think men are Dogs....Coyote's.  So that makes women Road Runners. WOW! Michael Maltese and Chuck Jones really knew their stuff.