
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Badly Do we need to Reform the policies surrounding political donations from Businesses to the Government

CULTURE: The Do-Damage Congress: Who’s Responsible?

 I read the above article, published by the Suicide Girls website.  I came to see that really the corruption in the government came about when businesses and corporations began making political investments in our government.
 I'm fine with politicians getting donations from voters and supporters but not from corporations. Especially when those donations are in the millions of dollars, that could be spent on more important things.
   It is well known that many corporations and major financial giants make major contributions to political campaigns and politicians in order to gain favor on political issues and how policies are written. This also comes in handy when dealing with taxes and how large corporations are given dispensation.

 It occurs to me that in order to curb this major problem in our governments political engine, we need to cut off the supply of the corruption. it's not enough to accuse politicians of these problems, we need to have policy written to prevent these "donations to political campaigns" from actually being used as bribery. The most logical choice would be to single out the corporations or businesses involved and fine them. Again, doesn't fix the problem. In order to properly cut off any business from investing in a politician in any way and prevent corruption of those politician's, We need to make it impossible for any money to go to individual politicians.

  A discreet policy needs to be amended to the government that any politician running for public office in the United States of America, must account for ever dollar that their campaign and office obtains as well as throughout their career in politics. Meaning that separate books must be kept for every single politician as soon as they make the move to be in charge of an office in the government, in any capacity. Whether it be Governor, State Representative, Congressman, etc. Any office/branch/division of the USA Government must be now under financial surveillance.  Once they start on a career trail of politics they are immediately assigned a new identification number and a record is kept on their career.   This may seem like a violation of privacy, but considering the damage that has been done to the financial structure of our government, drastic changes must be made if we are to survive as a democracy. In essence this should fall under the division of Homeland Security.
   Now the money that is donated, which will continue to happen, must now be automatically pushed toward payment of the debt of the United States Treasury. Non-negotiable. This way the money goes away from the politicians and works to help fix one of the many problems our government has.
  Also with the advent of social media outlets and access to information on the national networks, All government actions must now be made available to the public for viewing online and in structure that every single American of a voting age can read and understand what these policies are about. Also a approval system must be in place so that opinions on these matters can be available for all to see and to comment on so the government officials know exactly what the people think of what they are doing.  This system will be specifically connected to all American citizens as part of their state identification.  You will be able to access it and be able to also access the politicians files on their finances and political career. In essence we will be developing a Political "Facebook" that will help the general public have access to all the information that is needed to make an informed decision about the political offices and the people who are elected to them.

  As this is a act to reign in the corruption that has been going on since the 1960's, it is of vital importance that politicians need to know that they will no longer be able to make promises that will not come with consequences.

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