
Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Human Race - 2010

 So, what have we to say for ourselves?

  Now me being one of the Gen-X'ers and a Sci-Fi geek/freak, I'm both happy and sad with the progression of the human race thus far in development.

 First lets go over the negatives and then the positives.

  Negative Developments of the Human Race as of 2010;
To start, we are still using the combustion engine.  This one device was the crown jewel of it's time when it was first developed back in the 1800's.  Technology has advanced so much that we are actually using technology that is superior in every way to the combustion engine inside the vehicles they power.  If you are using a MP3 player or a Cell phone in your car, you have a technology that could easily have replaced the combustion engine with either of these two devices.  Yet we still rely on the engine for most of our transportation needs.  Alternate forms of energy have been available for over 30 years. Yet we still use a polluting, dangerous, 2 century old technology that should have been replaced 40-50 years ago. Now the unfortunate thing is that the combustion engine isn't to blame for this situation because we now come to one of the other flaws of the human race. The use of fossil and natural fuels. Honestly renewable and reusable energy sources have been available for 30 years, all of which are available now and could be used by everyone, yet the human race chooses not to.  We use these fuel sources because our societies have chosen to stick with the ones that are supposedly "old and reliable".   
  Now in regards to the society of the human race, the same problem occurs. The "Old and Reliable" passion exists in that you need to develop and work to the benefit of yourself and your personal family members rather then the community around you.  And if another has a status of higher or more "well-off", then you are required if not encouraged to take it away from that person and make it yours. Now granted it has come a long way but in more way's then one it still exists. In the development of the human race this was originally the format of land ownership, but now the land isn't the only thing that is owned. Now it is more along the lines of ownership of materials and the companies that they are built around.  Mergers of major corporations and integrations of smaller businesses are the "land" items now. Technology has been a driving force in this particular development and over the years, massive fortunes have been made and people have suffered greatly because of these transactions.  Use of the stock market is both seen as a sledgehammer of divinity and also a opportunity of great fortune and wealth. But in more ways than one it depends greatly in your knowledge of the world and of how the system works.
   What is truly unfortunate about this is that the educational systems in place to prepare generations to handle this information and what need to be done, is not being taught properly.  For all the money and power being used to develop companies and services for people, the most needed service of educating our children and the generations after us is not being considered a high priority. What's worse is the teachers who are passionate about their work and want more than anything to educate children to fulfill their dreams and aspirations are treated poorly and receive almost no respect for the work they do. They are penalized for trying to do what many parents fail to do and are then punished because parents are unwilling to accept responsibility for the way their children are raised at home. 
  In the end, even with all the developments and advancements we have made, generations of human beings will be unable to support themselves in the world we have created because we are not doing what we are supposed to do, which is making the world better and stronger for the next generations after us.  In the end, we will not see the future. Only our Children will and if we don't leave a world that they can live in, then our race dies with us.

Positive Developments of the Human Race as of 2010;
  Now for the good stuff.  Over the last 50 years there have been major developments in technology that have helped with the solving of many of the BIG questions of our time and of all time.  Technology has been the bain and benefactor of our species for a long time.  The true test of our time is to make technology a aid for our people and making it possible for all human beings to connect and share our combined knowledge and ablities with everyone in the world. 
  Computer technology is probably one of the greatest imporvements that the human race has developed. We have in less than 70 years developed systems of communication that can now, through programing and world wide web-networks, allow people from thousands of miles away to communicate and connect as our great grandfathers could only dream of.
  One of the biggest and greatest creations is the cellular phone and our developments that have come from it.  Thought to be a device that only the truly wealthy could own, over the last 15 years more people are talking on cell phones and communicating with people that normally it would cost a small fortune to speak with. 
  These devices are only the smallest of technological developments the human race has achieved. Vehicular developments have finally broken the stratosphere beyond government restrictions as companies are now able to develop spacecraft capable of breaking earths atmosphere and traveling across the planet now in minutes that would usually take hrs by normal airplanes.   Along the ground, automotive technology is finally embracing non-combustable engines and the use of Hybrid and Electric powered engines are now available to the public. Though currently at a higher price then economy vehiclesthey are becoming available for lower price seeking consumers.
   Recycling technologies are now available to take mass quantities of materials and re-using them on the consumer market. Landfills are beginning to lessen their loads as the use of  home-bassed compost bins. People are able to re-use un-eaten foods as fertalizer for home gardens. It is hoped that soon all food and waste sources will recycleable once the technology is fully finished and made available to the market.
In order for the pros and cons of the human race to finally become equal, we have a lot of work to do.  I want more than anything that when I leave this mortal realm to know that I earned my place in it, but that the generations after me don't suffer from my mistakes.  I don't make the rules of the world, but I want to help correct what those rules don't protect.  This isn't my world, it's OUR world and more importantly it's THE FUTURE'S world.  We have to protect it and strengthen it, if future generations are going to be able to enjoy what we have available to us now.

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