
Monday, June 13, 2011

This has been a most interesting day.

I woke up this morning with a pretty fair idea of what I needed to do. I have a shift at work and then my afternoon was open. My girlfriend drove home after I left and arrived safely. So one good thing.  I went into work with a pretty good feeling.
  Now just for the record to clarify my good feeling, let me cover this past week. Last weekend (June 4-5) I had the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer. This is my fifth time walking in the event and the 3rd time I walked the entire distance of 39 miles (26 miles on Saturday, 15 miles on Sunday).  Now, in the past I have trained for this event over a 3 month period. Unfortunately I wasn't able to train as hard as usually do because of complications with work and free-time. So as a result my lack of training for the walk caused me to get a very painful case of Shin Splints. After the walk I had one day of rest (Monday) before I had to start back to work. Since my primary income came from my job at the Studios, I have had to find alternative income to fill the gap left by the lack of shifts because the Studio is no longer able to employ me. I currently am a seasonal Bartender at 2 locations both of which work me about 3-4 times a week, usually ranging in 5hrs to 8hrs each shift. Usually I get a day of rest between to two but unfortunately this wasn't the case. My calender had me working Tuesday thru Saturday going back and forth between the two places and to add to it my Shin Splints continued to affect my ability to work efficiently.
   Personally, I find the manager of one of my seasonal jobs to be inadequate for managing the events held there. This facility is a member based club and the manager makes a greater effort to please the members rather then his employees well-being. Just this past Friday we had a large event that I was asked to work. Originally I was just supposed to have a evening shift which I'm happy to do, but because the manger got a special request from the members and he's unwilling to hire enough people to work the events without double booking employees. I had to work a 12 hr shift.  Ordinarily I wouldn't have a problem working this because it's good money. But I was working injured and what made the situation worse is that I started at 11AM and didn't stop till 11PM and I only ate when I had breakfast at my house before I left.  I was given no break for a meal and rest during the day as well as two other employees. Several times during the last few hrs of the event I almost passed out. The only food I was able to have was some maraschino cherries from the bar.
  So based on this info, I'm walking into the club on Monday expecting the manager to be running whatever event is going on, which to say the least made me nervous.
   So I get inside and start setting up the bar for the event. The servers and other bartender arrive and we all set up the banquet room for the event. From what I got from the other servers and the chef was that it was a charity/scholarship event run by the local town, but what was problematic is that the manager was no where to be found. He was supposed to be running the party but rather then briefing us and instructing us on how to run the party as well as informing the servers what tables they would be responsible for, he never showed up until right before the event and then still gave us no instructions.  It fell to one of the bartenders to contact him BY CELL PHONE, which employees aren't supposed to use while on duty, in order to get the details.
  I was shocked and couldn't figure out how he was justifying having this event at the club and then not even taking the responsibility to be at the event making sure everything went the way it should.
   Thankfully we were able to have everything run smoothly but I just couldn't believe what he was doing.  IF something had gone wrong it could have been disastrous and worst of all we knew we would get the blame instead of him.
  So after I left, I headed home and decided to relax and rest my leg because it was twitching pain about an hour after I started working, meaning that it still wasn't healed. I changed out of my uniform, sat on the couch and turned on the TV. But the TV didn't turn on. It made the sound of turning on but then would turn off again. I tried again and again and it still wouldn't turn on. I checked the manual for this kind of problem in the troubleshooting and sure enough it means that the TV needs servicing.  Well I have had this TV for 5 years and no warranty is on it. What is ironic is that just yesterday my GF and I planned on getting me a new 37" LCD TV to replace this one but we put it off because of my leg. GOOD GRIEF! What a way to start the week.
 But when you think about it, this isn't really that bad. There are people around the world with really bigger problems then this.  So yes the world isn't perfect and everyone has bad days, but really if you look at how your day is going and you think it's bad.......stop and think about this;  IT COULD BE A WHOLE FUCKING LOT WORSE!

BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of "SUCK IT UP" and "MOVE ON" and crashed into "WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS" before coming to a complete stop at "GET THE HELL OVER IT!!!!

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