
Monday, December 12, 2011

The ride in today.

I noticed something strange as I rode in on the train this morning. There was almost no one on the train.  This was highly unusual for me because usually the train car is FULL.
  I ride the CTA Blue Line train, or "L" regularly during the work week. I've found that I save money by not driving down to work and simply taking the train, then walking 15 min. to work. I get exercise and I don't use up my gas or have to worry about traffic or parking.
  I'm not the only one though. On a Monday morning there are thousands who ride the rails to work, all around the city and the trains are usually pretty crowded. This is the first time I've been on the train on a Monday and there was only one person in the car I entered.
  The trains usually have about 5-6 cars in the morning and I like to go for the 3rd car because it usually isn't as crowded as the 1st and 2nd cars. I'm usually pretty lucky when I get a seat, but I don't hold it against anyone who takes over the seats to themselves. There's usually two seats, in rows, along either side of the train cars. If you get a seat it's usually courteous to take the seat against the window so you leave the isle seat open for someone else. Not everyone does it though. Having a little space in your seat is especially nice in the winter when everyone is wearing big heavy jackets and there's not much space to move. This is due to the temperature of Chicago in the winter and that most of the CTA "L" trains stations are really exposed to the elements. most are usually covered to keep the rain and most of the snow off, but there's not much protection from the winds that  come howling down on the platforms.  In January and February when its the coldest, I'm wearing my long wool jacket with 2 layers underneath, heavy boots, face mask, and 2 gloves on each hand. honestly the only thing that makes the day tolerable is that under all those layers, I have my mp3 player rockin' with some good tunes for the ride and the walk.
 Personally, I like having my own seat so I don't feel constricted. Not to mention that not everybody that rides the trains has the ability to go home and take a shower. There's lots of homeless people who ride the train because they have no place to go. I feel bad for them, but unfortunately there's not much I can do about it. The only thing that bothers me the most is the smell. There is nothing ranker then a man or a woman who has not washed and/or cleaned themselves in a month or two. My only real complaint is when people bother me for money. Now I'm no "Scrooge" and I give money to poor just like everyone else, but some of the people that ride the trains, you can tell that being homeless wasn't forced on them. Some aren't even homeless. I've had guys come up to me, while I'm either reading a book/Kindle(on my phone),ear-buds in listening to my music and they tap me to ask for money. Now I have no problem saying No when I don't think the person really needs it. And many of these guys are wearing clean shoes, jackets and don't smell at all. Who do they think they're fooling?
  I'm guessing that they just had additional trains running today so that the trains weren't as full as usual.

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