
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Apple really thinking? Do they really have any idea?

I read this and I was very much astounded at what was being said.
What is Apple really thinking? Are they really considering the ramifications on the market if they do this? Not to mention on the Economy of this country? If you think about how much money is spent each year on the mobile phone market, on tablets and smart-phones alike, would you really want to be limited to one type of phone with no technological differences between the two?
The needs of the public is what the companies are really focused on. They are paying attention to the reviews the owners give and the improvements that are being suggested. Since the iPhone came out the app development markets alone have been HUGE! Especially since some apps that aren't available on the iPhone, are available on almost all Android phones. Which allows for a very competitive market. This is where the great innovations come from and allow for growth in technology and pushes developers to be smarter and more creative.
I don't know what Apple plans to do for the future, but if they want to stay in the game, they should stop pushing in the courts and start really pushing in the innovations and development departments. Because it's not the iPhone's and the Android's that will be the future. It's what's coming after them. That's what they should be looking at.

If Apple Wins We All Lose:

'via Blog this'


  1. I am totally agree with you that Apple had start to pushing in development departments for better innovations for stay in the market. They have to come with a new concept and products.
    mobile phone boosters

  2. Glad your on the same wavelength. :)
