
Friday, March 30, 2012

Read this! Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change:

'via Blog this'

  Ok I'm a optimist when it comes to the possibility for humanity to wise up and follow the bread crumbs to the realization that the world is changing and we caused it. But we also can fix the problem by giving up what made it this way.
   Are carbon production and use has gotten out of hand.  And now our weather is changing in Record Breaking ways.  Temperatures are on the rise when they should be low. Wet weather is moving in when there should be ice and snow.  This is not something to be rejoicing for, this is something to be worried about.
   Now I'm no extremest and saying you need to throw out your car and anything carbon producing, NO!  What I'm saying is use it a little less. If you can, carpool with a friend. Take the train, Use public transportation. Turn off the lights if you don't need them. Recycle your plastic, paper, metal, electronics and batteries. Change the bulbs to be more efficient. Put in windows that don't leak heat and AC. Trade in your car for a hybrid or electric car. But do these over the course of a year or 2 or 3.  These changes are not super expensive to make and if you do them over time, you'll find your not only saving money but you can get a tax return of a higher amount each year.
 Seriously people, the world is changing now because of what we didn't do 20-30 years ago. Now it's getting to the point where we HAVE to start changing or we will end up not making problems for ourselves. But problems for our children and our grandchildren. Our Generation is screwed. But lets not screw it up for our kids and the generations coming after us.
  If were lucky, we may be able to save thousands of lives in 20 years and then millions of lives in 50 years.  I think that's a pretty good thing to leave behind when I pass on. A healthy Great - grandson is all I want to leave behind me. That's why I make the changes. So I can tell my son, "Yeah we needed to change, Son. And you know what....We did."

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