
Friday, May 4, 2012

Best Marvel Movie EVAR!!!!

I have gone to see each and every Marvel Comics based film that has been in theaters. The Avengers is truly the absolute best I have scene. I've been reading comics since I was in 4th grade and my collection is huge. Based off of my readings and the films that I have seen over the past 3 decades, I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen a comic book movie that made me so fulfilled and happy then The Avengers.

Joss Whedon has truly out-done himself in aspects of movie direction, screenwriting and movie making in general. The action of the film was epic. The cinematography was gorgeous and the special effects were astounding. I'm glad I didn't see it in 3D because now I can go see it again and match it on the differences.

This is now the standard that all comic book based movies will be judged on. Not because of the SFX or the Action, but because of the story. You couldn't help but care about these characters and the story pulled you in. The drama, the comedy, the action mixed with CG was like nothing I have seen since Star Wars.

There are movies I have loved and movies I have Hated. This is now the top bar. Everyone now has to reach to get past it.

Thank you Joss Whedon. Dude you ROCK!

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