
Thursday, April 17, 2014

The End of 3 Decade story that will cause a lake of Tears from Star Wars Fans

Op-ed: Disney takes a chainsaw to the Star Wars expanded universe

 The decision made by the Walt Disney company to tear down the Star Wars Expanded Universe canon (all stories/novels/comics/video games that existed outside of the 6 feature films) is truly sad for all Star Wars fans.
  I am one of those fans. I remember being on vacation with my family in Colorado in 1991, when I first saw Star Wars: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn sitting on the book sales rack at the grocery store we were in.  I was shocked!!!  I had seen many a kid's book that referenced the Star Wars movies but Never had I seen a Novel. I instantly bought it. I must have read it 2-3 times. When the next book and the third book came out I read them both again and again. I was so excited to finally know what happened to my favorite characters and their continuing adventures. Also to read about all the new characters was even more impressive and fun.  Years later I would continue reading on and on about my favorite characters in the massive series of novels that came out. In addition to the Series' of comics that Dark Horse Publishing was releasing, all seeming to stick with the story line of the Star Wars Universe. Even novels like "Splinter of a Mind's Eye" and "Shadow's of the Empire" which took place in-between the original Trilogy movies were Excellent.
   I was well into the reading when the announcement of the re-releasing of original trilogy and the new 3 Star Wars movies. I was Thrilled! What I loved most about the movies was that they stayed within the Star Wars Expanded universe and didn't take away from any of what the novels had laid down.
 Now regardless of what the author Lee Hutchinson says about the novels and comics, I'm no expert on story and writing, but I know that the stories gave me the characters and excitement I wanted and allowed me to continue living in the Star Wars Universe from my youth up to my adulthood.
  Regardless of Disney wanting to create new movies for the Star Wars Series of Films, they should take into account the thousands of published works and that Lucasfilm both commissioned and allowed the novelists  and comic book writers to publish these works and keep the idea and values of the Star Wars series alive and current in the minds of it's fans and new interested readers.
  Even now, you can go on and and read the reviews on these novels and comic book productions that have entertained fans for 3 decades (1980-2010).

  I'm not saying that they shouldn't change things. Cleaning out the published works that have no bearing on the movement of the story forward and concerning the characters from all 6 movies and the animated series that have been made for the current Star Wars Canon makes sense. But they should keep the works that have been responsible for keeping the fans interested and continued following the Star Wars Epic for all the years after Return of the Jedi left the theaters. For example, The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn is regarded as the biggest and most accepted series in the Star Wars EU(expanded universe) and should be allowed to continue to exist in the story line.  Any novels and comics that have been written about the main characters and have kept the story moving forward through the years should be kept.
 I personally don't want any of the novels I grew up with to be taken out of the EU, but I will admit that taking steps to streamline the story for the new films makes sense. My only concern is that it benefit Disney more then hurt for them to keep the stories that the fans appreciate more than what could be created in the new films.  As with Episodes I-III, many fans were very disappointed in the stories that were created and what has come after them.  The Star Wars Saga has a chance to continue on for new generations to enjoy, But Disney must be careful to not offend too many fans that have stood by the name and story of Star Wars since their youth.

 I caution Disney in taking this action, but I fear that I won't be heard.
 I love Star Wars. The material has been a major part of who I am and the Man that I have become. It's ideas and mythology has been the strength behind my convictions and decisions I have made in my life. I will continue to love and look for guidance from the lessons that Star Wars gives. I will still hold onto my books and re-read them when they are taken out of the EU since they were the stories that gave me an escape from the cruel world around me. I will stand with Star Wars, but Disney has gone down a notch in my heart for taking something so precious away from me.

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