
Friday, February 10, 2012

George Lucas & The Han Shot First Controversy

We Don't Care What You Say, George: Han Shot First! | GeekDad |

'via Blog this'

I'm sorry dudeS but I have to go with George on this. It's his creation and he gets to do whatever the heck he wants with it. Just because everyone else saw what they wanted doesn't make it right. He Created Star Wars, thus he can change it. Honestly we should be happy and grateful he created it at all and shared it with all of us.
Honestly I'm really getting sick and tired of all this. Granted I think it did make Han Solo super cool that he shot Greedo first. But to be honest, I also held it against him that he did that later on when I saw the footage of Jabba meeting him at the Falcon. Things might have been different if he hadn't shot Greedo first.

But we can argue this "till the cows come home". The point I'm trying to make is that George Lucas gave us all a gift....STAR WARS! Regardless of what he does with the series and the changes he makes, it belongs to him. He created it, he stood by it and he has been made famous by it. People love this series for all that it is, was and will be. I've been a fan of the series since I was a kid and I can't say I'm overly disappointed at all with the changes and improvements he has made to the series.  Because it's not my place to be angry at something that I have no right to be. It's not mine! Nor is it yours or anybody else's Except George Lucas!

He Created one of the most famous and incredibly unique series in Film history! Everyone who has come after him has built off of what he started and did. The themes and metaphors he used in this series has been around for years, long before he even started writing the script.  He is simply trying to build a better mouse trap with what he has already done. People say that it wasn't broke so stop trying to fix it. Well your wrong! To his wonderfully creative eye, it is broken and he feels he needs to fix it. Why does he get to make that decision and not you? BECAUSE HE CREATED IT!!

  So please people, Fanboys and all. Stop harassing this truly magnificent man for giving us this blessing that is Star Wars and stop making it out that he did something wrong, when really he's doing what should have always been. It just took longer for him to get there. For that I am Truly grateful to George Lucas for giving me a treasure that I have been enjoying again and again since I was a child. I'm going to go see Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in the theaters because I love the movie and I want George Lucas to get what he deserves. My Thanks.

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