
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I am a Murphy's Law/Bad Luck/Karmatic Magnet!

I'm just going to lay it out like it is, but not in the order that it happened because honestly I just need to get this off my chest.
 Here we go....

 My wife and I got married, we moved into a house together and we have a son. All this happened in the last 2 years.
  Now to start, after moving into our new home, we planned on renting my old condo since we were not going to be able to get what I originally paid for it back in 2004. We even dropped the rental price to be less then the more expensive in the area.  NO HITS. We then decided to sell it. Unfortunately we decided this just before the winter and the holiday season set in, so we got very few hits. In the mean time, I'm now paying 2 mortgages (house and condo) and assessments for the condo. And to add insult to injury the mortgage company (Ellswa Argofa) decided to raise our house mortgage payments by about 20%.
  Next, my wife when she had our son was working as a High School English Teacher in Rockford IL. So her stress levels were very high.  The pregnancy went through some major turbulence because we live about 15 minutes from Chicago and Rockford IL is about a 2 hour drive from our house.  The spring/summer/fall portion of that period was VERY hot (check Rockford, IL weather for Summer 2013), and the school has NO central A/C and NO window units for the rooms.  Now after request for A/C as a medical need was sent from the doctors and insurance companies to the school, they refused to install AC for my wife.
   When my wife had our son, she only took about 2 weeks off to recover. She then started back almost immediately full time at the school. Our son had to make the treck to Rockford, IL with my wife for daycare because of our works schedules. Basically the ones closer to our home closed before either of us got home from work. Also one of us needed to be available to pick him up if there was an emergency. This was also a factor because of the financial demands above. Both paychecks were needed.
  Now about 4 months into the year my wife came under the weather with Postpartum Depression. This unfortunately came about because of the High Stresses of her job, combined with taking care of our son and the long commute to and from work. Not to mention the 36 hour delivery of our son and complications that occurred there-after. I tried my best to relieve her stress levels and take some of the load off, but it wasn't going to be enough.  My wife was under orders to take medical rest by her doctors and therapists, but almost all of her sick leave was used up when my son was born. In addition, her therapists requested from the school that because of her stress levels, she must be allowed to finish her day 2 hours early in order to pick up my son and have more time to handle the commute home. This would also allow us to have my son go to a local daycare, making it unnecessary to travel the 2 hrs to Rockford. Once again, the school refused. They demanded that my wife return to her full time schedule. When she refused they told her(basically) to stay home without pay. We have decided that this has been in effort to make her quit since firing her would violate the terms of her contract. She has been trying to find a new job that is closer to home and easier for her to manage, but no such luck.
  Now combine all this together with our regular stresses and financial amounts and we are now up to our necks in trouble. Basically, my pay check is the only one coming in and it hasn't been enough. I have burned through almost all of my savings and we are now coming into tax season and I have the State real estate taxes due on the condo plus the 2 mortgages and all the rest of our spending.  In short, with in 2 months my wife and I will be bankrupt and lose the house and condo.
  So my wife will again have to start working in Rockford and my son will have to travel with her as well to daycare.  We can only hope that we can sell my condo and my wife can find another job closer to home so that we can afford to keep the house and live a somewhat comfortable and economical life together.
 But I think are chances are better at winning lotto, then again i've been wrong Maybe?

Update: My wife's therapist thinks that if she goes back to work in Rockford, she will slip further into her postpartum depression and things could worsen.

My resurrection request to Ben & Jerry's

What flavor do you want resurrected?

Dublin Mudslide.

 Tell us a little about why you like this flavor?

EVERYTHING! I love absolutely everything about this combination of flavors! When I first discovered it, it was all I ever purchased. I even moved away from my other favorites. But then diet issues came up and I had to restrain myself.  Now St. Patricks Day is coming up and I am Craving the delicious flavors.
 The thing that I loved the most about this particular flavor is that it was always easy to eat. Most of the Ben & Jerry's when you purchase it and store it in the freezer, you have to wait a few minutes for it to thaw a little before eating. With Dublin Mudslide it was still soft even after being in the freezer. I could always get a full spoon of delicious goodness, without having to strain or bend the spoon to get it. I knew this was because of the Liquor content of the ice cream. Making it unique from all the other flavors.
Please, if only for the Holiday of the Irish, bring it back. Please. :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Amazing Spider-man (Sony) Joins the Avengers (Marvel/Disney) Cinematic Universe .

Comic-Con: Andrew Garfield Wants Spider-Man To Join The Avengers – Gasp!

I like the fact that Andre Garfield is interested in joining the Marvel Cinematic universe. People are all over the place in how they would do it. Disney/Marvel, Sony and Fox combining all the movies together, finding continuity etc.
   In that aspect, Amazing Spider-man is easy. Norman Osborn  & Oscorp has always been involved in government/military contracts for technology development & weaponry. His work with the spiders was never meant to be used on human beings. Spider-man was an accidental side-effect, but the research that Peter's father was involved in could be directly linked to the Super-Soldier program mentioned in The Incredible Hulk and Captain America. As long as Sony keeps the door open that way, they could make references to Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. indirectly. Also, in the comics(Ultimate Comics) SHIELD always said they were watching Spider-man but never got involved. This could be the one part to link Spider-man into the field.
  If Sony does want to join the party and leaves the Continuity openings, then there is no reason why Amazing Spider-man can't join The Avengers. Sony has a better chance of joining the ride then Fox does.  Fox has already written their own world using the X-men movies that basically leaves no room for joining Marvel/Disney's continuity. Sony Hasn't yet. They have a chance to move in, if they keep the storyline open. Having Spider-man join really is easy. All they have to do is shoot one scene involving Spider-man involved in the battle of New York against the Chitauri and then have a Spider-man meet-up with  Nick Fury, Hawkeye or Captain America and Boom, the rest is left up to simple creative writing.

Humanities greatest downfall is itself.

Exposing The Money Behind Climate Change Denial Published On September 21, 2013 | By Veruca |

Shocking!! I had no idea the depths that the denial had gone, to the point that corporations are actually paying for disinformation and erodius claims against the scientific facts of Climate Change. All just for profit........Do they even realize the damage they are doing and that future generations that will be denied even the simplest enjoyments we now have?!
This truly makes me sad and hurt. I have faith in God. I have strong confidence is science and technological advancements. But this just makes me very upset that once again Humanities biggest rival to it's itself.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Underdog Rocks and the story behind my love of this Hero

Back in 2007, Disney studios came out with a movie about a classic cartoon hero named "UNDERDOG". Now I personally was very excited about this movie because I was a huge fan of the cartoon when I was a kid. I watched it everyday when I got home from school. This was back in the early 80's when they still aired the old cartoons like Spider-man, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Tennessee Tuxedo, etc.
  Underdog was my favorite out of these shows and he was my personal hero. To this day I still root for the "underdogs" in the world. Be it political groups or one-man start-up organizations, or any group that strives to go beyond what the big machines turn out.
  Now my biggest fandom came from Underdog's theme song. It was really a cool little tune and I really enjoyed hearing it.  Granted when the Disney movie came out they did their own versions of the song. This honestly was one of the few shinning moments of the movie. The film unfortunately didn't really take the concept of Underdog to his potential and honestly made it far to silly and comical for my taste. The big favorite for me was the opening introduction of the movie where we see scenes from the original cartoon and a new version of the UNDERDOG Theme.
 Now I personally liked the new theme and I was hoping to get a hold of the song when the soundtrack came out. Sadly when I went looking for it, the song wasn't on the album. There was a rap-like mix on the album by Kyle Massey. I later found out through internet chatter that the song was performed by the band Plain White T's. I then began searching for versions of the song online through audio groups and YouTube. By now the song had been dubbed "Underdog Rocks" by Plain White T's Underdog Rocks,  but there was still no way to download the full song anywhere online or in the store and the soundtrack for the movie still doesn't have the song available. Through my searching I came upon a blog entry about this subject and read it and found I was not the only one bothered by this.

The Underdog Theme

 To this end I have decided to take this to the Plain White T's themselves and see if I can get an answer to this question. I'm hopeful that they will be able to supply me with a better answer to this and maybe a way to find this elusive and desired track of music.

 I was interested in discovering the reason behind and un-released song.
  It is well known that the intro to the movie UNDERDOG as well as several scenes of the movie are accompanied by a version of the original Underdog theme Sung by The Plain White T's.
 This version of the song was not released on the movie soundtrack. Can you explain why this song isn't available?
 It is referred too online as the "Underdog Rocks" song by Plain White T's.
 Do you actually have information surrounding this un-released track and why it hasn't been released in full?  There are many fans not just of the band but also of the movie and the original TV show theme music that are very interested in finding a complete version of this track.
  It would be most generous if you could make this song available for purchase.
Thank you.