
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Homeworld: the game that Could be TV/Film/Webseries?

 Lets just start by saying I have no connection with the game or the companies currently owning the rights, I'm just a major fan.
  Now I played Homeworld when if first came out back in 1999. I LOVED the game. Not only did I play and finish the game I went back and replayed it 10-20 times. I loved figuring out new strategies for winning and searching online for tips and other strategies. I still own the game but since they stopped supporting the multiplayer, I haven't loaded it for a while.
  I played the additional games in the series, (Cataclysm and Homeworld 2) But I got stuck on Homeworld 2 and had to put it aside, though I never lost interest in the game.
 I followed along all the drama when THQ had the rights, as well as when the game was up for auction and now in the hands of Gearbox Software.
  Now there is a remastered version of the game due out this year and I am very excited to see what they come up with in ways of improving the game and making it as visually stunning as the great story in the game (though it would be cool to have a different story for the Taiidan campaign in the single player mode that is opposing the Kushan people.)

Now, onto the meat of the matter.  Anyone who has played this game, knows and loves the story of the Kushan people and their plight.  Based on this, I could see a very successful film/TV/Web-series being done using this story.
  To start you do something similar to Battlestar Galactica in aspect of drama and interpersonal stories, but the primary thing that I personally want done is to NOT have the characters be human. What would truly make this series unique and special is to have the two character races/species involved to be Alien. Which was one of the reasons I really enjoyed the game is that you don't get the impression that either race is human. They are alien creatures of two separate species. This would also allow the show to separate itself from previous shows like Battlestar Galactica.
  The base story of the game works perfectly. You have an alien race that makes a discovery on their home planet and use it to create a new interstellar and scientific/technological advancement, allowing them to explore space. Just as they test out their new Mothership's hyperdrive, the come under attack. This reveals that they have enemies that they didn't even know existed.
 The Kushan people that survive then come to find out through the events that there have been spies and movements working against the people but instead of stopping them from advancing, they have encouraged them. This encouragement was put in place so that The Kushan people could be exterminated when they violate a treaty that has existed for thousands of years, but no one knew about. The story proceeds from there as originally planned that they surviving Kushan people travel to their origin homeworld of 'Hiigara'.  Intermingling with the drama of losing loved ones and family, the crew of the mothership, especially of scientist Karan S'Jet, must deal with the realization that they have become outlaws in the galaxy and that they have enemies all around them.  The story goes into their development of new technologies and ship designs as they go along their journey home.
 Sampling from the games storyline, the story can include specific characters from multiple parts of the crew; Military, Scientific, Command, Political and Construction. This then plays into the interpersonal relationships of the different branches as well as the religious beliefs they have and how they are challenged to have faith in their leaders and where they look for hope.
 From a fans point of view, this could be a really great series that could span several seasons or films depending on how it's done. You could go Live Action or Animated depending on the budget as well as include computer generated characters or hand-drawn animation. The shows cast could be constantly changing(similar to that of Walking Dead) where you never know who will live and die. Honestly the first season could have the entire cast wiped clean for the next season. The only character that is integral to the series is Karan S'Jet. Or you could focus on just a specific set of characters per episode/Film. For example the pilot show/Film is about the command crew of the Mothership. The next episode is about the construction crew. The third is about the pilots of the fighters and corvettes defending the ship. The next could be about one of the crews of a frigate in the fleet. There is no limit to the options you could go with. The stories, drama and characters you could do is wide open.

I personally would love to see this done as a long series either on the web(Netflix, Hulu,Youtube, Crackle, etc) or on network tv. I think in a Animated/Anime form would be excellent or as Live Action series. The ability to go beyond the game and tell the stories of the crew and the Kushan people is the real challenge.
  In essence, there is an opportunity to create a new Sci-Fi drama series that could rival Star Wars.

Homeworld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'via Blog this'
Gearbox Software Homeworld.
Homeworld Game and Art

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