
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Struggle

How can one person save his family, his friends, his town, his county, his state, his country? What must they do when all governing opposition is set against change for the benefit of the whole? Why is faith they believe in perverted for the gains of a few, when it can open all to equality? Where does one start on a campaign to create change & equality for all & not just a few?

I ask myself this every day. The truth is, one person can only make change happen if others are willing to go along. We all have our view of a perfect life for ourselves & the people we love. Where they have what they need, but what about everyone else?
  Too many settle into complacency because they get what works for them & only them. They don't think about the person next door, down the street or on the next block south.
Does that make them a bad person?
Of course not.
Democracy was created to make all people equal under the law. Especially in the U.S.A. A war was fought for that equality. A Civil War was fought to preserve it. Does another war need to happen to restore the equality that has been fought for?
No one wants that, but the current political system in the U.S.A is corrupt. It took a long time to develop into this, which is why it wasn't stopped. It was subtle things that started years ago. It seemed harmless at first, but slowly it spread to the point that those in power are not working for the people's benefit as a whole. They only act to benefit those that give them the means to care for themselves and their families.
This cannot remain the Status Quo. Too many people are suffering from this. The rules that are in place that govern those who govern the people, are not sufficient. A new Justice/Policy system must be created to prevent  the corrupting of politicians, allowing them to make the proper decisions for all people, not the select few that can afford it.
This must be handled like treating a virus. You can either cut out the infected organs & hope the body can recover. Or you develop a vaccine that removes the infection & allows the body to function properly.
The governments infection is in the Presidency, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives and individual State Governors.
A new policy must be enforced on these offices to remove the corruption and preserve the offices that govern the people of the U.S.A. Most likely a branch of the Justice department that is independent of government bureaucracy and can thoroughly investigate all those in decision of political means that effect the people.

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