
Thursday, September 11, 2014

REMEMBER, REMEMBER, THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER - the Senate's treason and costs!

These are the names of the Senate Representatives that voted down the "Democracy Restoration Act"or S.J.Res.19 & H.J.Res. 119 - A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.

In social standings it is known as the #GetMoneyOut of politics. Proposing that large contributions to political campaigns for election can no longer be accepted by politicians running for office. Therefore preventing Corporations and upper level citizens from buying political favors. 

Remember these names this coming November. Do NOT allow them to continue destroying our government!

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
John Barrasso, Wyoming
Roy Blunt, Missouri
John Boozman, Arkansas
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
Daniel Coats, Indiana
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Susan Collins, Maine
Bob Corker, Tennessee
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Crapo, Idaho 1
Ted Cruz, Texas
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Dean Heller, Nevada
John Hoeven, North Dakota
James Inhofe, Oklahoma
Johnny Isakson,
Mike Johanns, Nebraska
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Mike Lee, Utah
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Rob Portman, Ohio
Jim Risch, Idaho
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Marco Rubio, Florida
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Richard Shelby, Alabama
John Thune, South Dakota
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
David Vitter, Louisiana
Roger Wicker, Mississippi

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