
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose - I KNOW!!!

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose:

'via Blog this'

I know what I want to do.  The sad part is that I don't know how to do it.
  This is because I'm already doing it, just not how/what I want it to be.

Let me clarify this for you. What I want to do is video/audio editing, which I am doing right now at a tv studio in Chicago. The problem is that it's not the kind of editing I want to do. I'm technically stuck. What I really want to do is go out and shoot video then edit it together with sound and create something that will affect people. Now I don't really want to do all the graphics and animations and stuff, but I like taking life and re-producing it on screen for others to experience. 
 I want to work with people on projects that I'm passionate about. I want to create videos and edit them into something that will cause a reaction in another person. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. I just want to create it.
 For so many years I did that on my own with almost no budget at all. The problem is that it doesn't produce any money. I can't survive or support my family doing what I want to do. So I'm stuck doing what I need to do to support my family. Just going through those questions and thinking about the subject of those questions brought it all back to me. The drive, the cause, the need to create something.  
 I've seen and watched so many other people produce such great products and productions on minimal budgets and for almost no money.  I want to be part of that. I want to do that and find the drive that brought me into Video Production in the first place. I have the skill and I have the drive, but I need a path. I've lost my way and I need a way back on the path I had.  
 It's so weird that only now that I think about it, that's why the last few years have felt like I was in a rut. My passion and drive is stifled and lost, but I have moments when I work on small side projects that seem to bring that passion back to the surface. But again, those side projects can't make money. They just seem to fill a temporary need/want. 
 I must find a cause or project that can catapult me back into my creative mind and inspire me to get the work done.

How do I find it? 
 Man, these are the times when I wish my muse would jump up and hit me with a baseball bat of inspiration. 

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