
Monday, September 15, 2014

A Tri-Force of Independent Music Women.

Lindsey Stirling, Amy Lee and Orianthi Panagaris.

 I personally have listed to all 3 of these incredible women over the last 10 years. Each in their own genres of music, they both dominate and inspire in every way of musical excellence.
 Through trials and tribulations against their art, they have shown the world that they are strong, talented and will not be silenced or shutdown.
  I can honestly say that I haven't heard all of their music, but I am making a firm effort to find and listen to all their music.
 Amy Lee was my first encounter in this musical force. Her singing with the band Evanescence hooked me from the first moment it hit my ear drums. I have been hooked on her music ever since. Her ability with a microphone and a piano gives me chills and raises the hairs on my back to new heights of enjoyment that makes me thankful that my ears function properly. The story of her beginnings and where she is now, is truly inspiring.
 I was introduced to Orianthi Panagaris through Michael Jackson's movie "This is it". I can only imagine what her career might have been if the King of Pop had gone on his final tour with her. Her ability with the 6 string guitar is truly Amazing. You can name off  on one hand the top female guitarist in the world. She by far towers high above them. To see and hear the beautiful rifts that come off of her fingers tickling the strings of a "axe", is something every pair of ears needs to hear and appreciate. Her tale of discovery and continued excellence is beyond words of Divinity.
 I discovered Lindsey Stirling last of the 3 women. I happened across one of her videos on Youtube quite by chance about 4 years ago. It was astounding at the time I didn't think it was real. Then just yesterday I heard her hauntingly Awesome violin again over Satellite Radio. When I arrived home and looked her up, I was amazed that it was the same woman I had seen 4 years earlier.  I began searching the web and discovered that her playing and style was not only REAL, but Magnificent. I'm still discovering all that she is and I can say I am thoroughly impressed, especially with the resistance she originally received. When reading about where she came from and how she has succeeded in her craft is incredible.
 Then it struck me. 3 women, 3 string instruments, A tri-force of Music Power the likes of which no ear has ever heard.
 To combine Amy Lee's Piano, Lindsey Stirling's Violin and Orianthi Panagaris' Guitar, would be to possibly bring into creation the most epic music machine that has ever existed on this earth. If the talent of these three incredible women could be brought together for a song, a single, an album, a concert, a tour; could we possibly see .... Dare I say it... Music to tame the savage heart of mankind!

Oh what a incredible melody that could be.

Take these words as you will. Just the thoughts of a fan struck by these 3 amazing women of music.

Lindsaey Stirling - Shatter Me feat. Lzzy Hale

Orianthi Panagaris - Right Now

Evanescence - The Change

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