
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

December 17 2007 2:04 PM

My Christmas Charity Idea

 I had a wish once, that if I could organize it and had the power of time and space, I would hold a Christmas benefit/charity concert for multiple organizations...broadcast it live on cable, internet and regular TV...and hold it at the Chicago Theater downtown....and it would be staring famous performers and actors/actresses from throughout the past 200 years.  From Judy Garland to Audrey Hepburn; from Bob Hope to Abbott and Costello. 
  And the way I would do it is; the Chicago Theater would become a passage way(Nexus) through time where people from both Present and Past would walk into the theater and be there as if it was their own time period.  So say Gene Autrey would walk in from 1967 at the same time as Jimmy Durante in 1937 and Dean Martin could walk in from 1954 at the same time as Jack Benny in 1925...I know I have those years wrong but you get the idea.
  And they would each go on stage and either perform together or individually or whatever.  Just imagine the stars in their youth and prime....Nate King Cole peforms live with Natalie Cole as an adult, Judy Garland and Karen Carpenter singing a Christmas Duet, Abbott and Costello, Jack Benny, and Red Buttons all on stage doing a holiday skit with Marylin Monroe, Carol Brunett and Gilda Radner. Frank Sinatra performing w/Joss Stone, and Dean Martin w/Kelly Clarkson, John Lennon and Bono, Janis Joblin w/Melissa Ethridge, Johnny Cash w/Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley w/Bing Crosby, and whoever else you could think of.
   It would probably run for around 3 hrs the whole time people either calling in to make donations as well as internet.  Man just thinking about how huge that would be and the amount of money that would be raised. It would be fantastic, plus all the concert would be recorded and you could purchase the performances on CD and video/DVD which would sell for years afterward.

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