
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

January 23 2008 5:25 PM 

Why do nice guys finish last??

I'm the kind of guy who has a different take on things.  This is most true in regard to women.  I especially like going out of my way to make my girl happy or to see just pure joy come out, that really makes me feel good and I love the resulting shock or happiness.   I'm a unusual male to say the least in that almost everything the average male loathes doing with women, I don't always mind.  Sure there are somthings I would rather not do, but if it makes her happy and she is willing to do the same with me then its totally worth it.. And I've often thought of myself as the nice guy and unfortunately the old saying goes,"nice guys finish last."  Which was a question I was interested in asking and would love your opinion.
    Which would you rather have?  A nice guy all around or a guy that starts out nice but then becomes a regular guy after you get to know him.  I find that many women say they want the nice guy but then after a while they get bored and want a guy who treats them nice to start but then later, when the guy shows his true colors and just doesn't care the women start wishing for the nice guy again. Some women I have noticed hook up with  complete Assholes who treats them like garbage and insults them on a regular basis when the guy who respects them and treats them so well is thrown asside...Why is that? 
     The information that I get from guys is that women want to be treated right but most women think ; nice guys they can "walk all over them" and they don't feel any respect for him, So they go with the guy thats treats them not as well as the nice guy did.  I get so conflicted so I never know how to act around women, should I be a gentlemen or a gentle-jerk?

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