
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eggnog Down!!

From Facebook Notes by Tj Shields on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 9:49am

Eggnog Down!!

Picked up Oberweis eggnog last night for myself and Christmas @ parents. Brought it home with 2 packs of Root Beer (Bergoff & Goose Island). I wanted to get upstairs quickly, but I should have done it safely through the back door. I Accidentally broke the glass bottle as I was bringing it up. The bag was double bagged so I didn't feel the leakage and when I got in, Kim had dinner started so I put the bag down on one of my whicker chairs and forgot about it (Damn short-term memory loss). I didn't know till this morning about the break when I came into the kitchen and went to unload the bag. I grabbed the bottle and pulled it out. To my shock and horror the bottle fell to pieces. Whole bottle lost and flooding the bag. I yelled out "OH NO!" which woke Kim and she rushed in to see me panicking over the bag and pillows on the chair. Leakage got on the cushioned chair and pillows, including a Coca-cola pillow in the form of a can(total loss). 
Should have been more careful. Shoulda,woulda,coulda. :(

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