
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ok I need to get something off my chest,

From Facebook Notes by Tj Shields on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 10:52am

explanation for posting

Ok I need to get something off my chest,
  Last night before I went to bed I had a moment of clarity and inspiration about men and women. Particularly the aspect of women and men is that they are in constant moods of aggravation. I decided to take the view from my point of view and then go into the rest. Hence why I stated that “Women Piss Me Off,” because they do. Generally women piss me off and it is done on purpose.  Now the reasons for this are actually very simple because honestly Men like myself love to piss women off. Men and women go out of their way on a daily basis to annoy, aggravate and frustrate their significant other, co-worker, friends, etc because it makes them feel better and in control. 
  Now when I started off on this last night I wanted to record myself to get it all down so that I could type it up later. Unfortunately the recording was lost and now I have to start over again from scratch. So Now I’m going to go through this long process without the access to my insights of last night. This will be more difficult because when I was in the state of mind I was, I knew what I was getting at and I finally had a understanding of many things that I didn’t comprehend before, but as I was going I had additional insights that I have not thought of before, which then without fail brought up new questions that I have answered before but left me without answers. Which goes with the nature of life; For every answer you get, another two questions take it’s place.
  I’m not going to vent it all now because I don’t have the time, but I am going to work on this in my free time and when it is finished I will put it on my personal blog. Which is not here.

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