
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Broncos jettison Kyle Orton - AFC West Blog - ESPN

Broncos jettison Kyle Orton - AFC West Blog - ESPN:
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This is something I have been hoping for since the trade happened for Jay Cutler. Honestly I have nor problem with Jay and I really hope he heals soon, but I would love more than ever, if Kyle Orton could come back to Chicago! I have been saying for years now that the trade was a bad move for the Chicago Bears.  Not that it didn't have it's good points but with all the effort and training that Orton had since Rex Grossman had left the Bears, Kyle really showed he had the ability and growth potential.

 I'm sure people would argue me that till "the cows come home", but the fact of the matter is if you look at the stats between Kyle Orton and Jay Cutler, there is very little difference.

Yards, Complete Passes, TD's, Interceptions, they all come within close numbers.  I won't say that Kyle or Jay are better then the other, but they definitely are skilled at their job and any team that could have them on the roster would be wise.

  Honestly I would take the advantage of having them both on the Bears.  You could easily start with one and change at halftime and you would end up with a win no matter what.  Plus you give the option of rest between the two and have a chance to have a fresh QB ready to come in when a injury or special play occurs.
  Plus you have the advantage of keeping the opposing team uneasy and alert for what will happen. Because by switching QB's on a regular basis, especially with the skills of both Jay Cutler and Kyle Orton, you gain the advantage of skill and protection of both players and you increase their skills as they both have the chance to play and keep their abilities at full strength.

 In summation, I really think the Chicago Bears should bring Kyle Orton back to Chicago and use both he and Jay Cutler to get Chicago back into the running for the Playoffs.

CULTURE: Corporate America Says No Thanks, No Giving

This is something I can get behind!

CULTURE: Corporate America Says No Thanks, No Giving: [IMG|366x550][/IMG]

by Hoodoo4102

[Above: Noemie in Kawaii Bunga]

Employees of Target and Best Buy are voicing their opinions, trying to get a message across to the CEOs of their companies before they’re robbed of their time with family. One in particular, Anthony Hardwick of Omaha, NE, has voiced his displeasure at his employer, Target, and has become the featured petition on And while I'm writing this blurb, the petition has just jumped up from a staggering 170,000 to 180,000 signatures of its 200,000 goal. A similar petition inspired by Hardwick’s, posted by Rick Melaragni of Tampa, FL, concerning Best Buy’s opening hours is currently sitting at 14,550 of its 15,000 goal.

Anthony's message is quite clear, and well put:

"A midnight opening robs the hourly and in-store salary workers of time off with their families on Thanksgiving Day. By opening the doors at midnight, Target and Best Buy is requiring team members to be in the store by 11 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. A full holiday with family is not just for the elite of this nation -- all Americans should be able to break bread with loved ones and get a good night's rest on Thanksgiving! Any team member not present for their shift will receive a final warning, or termination of their employment."

While all's quiet on the Target front, Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn writes a heart warming message to Employees and Customers saying*:

"Our customers and employees are, first and foremost, people. We acknowledge that each one is an individual with hopes, dreams, passions, talents, experiences, cultures, faith and loved ones. People don’t celebrate a ‘Happy Holiday’ – they have their own cultural, religious and family traditions. So, why shouldn’t we value and embrace that same level of individuality during the Holidays?"

Thank YOU Brian! It's always so touching to see a CEO open his mouth wide enough just in case he may need to have a Thanksgiving foot for dinner with a side of trimmins'.

So what does this mean for those hard working hourly employees of corporate America? Thanksgiving breakfast, black out curtains, no booze (since getting a DUI on the way to work would make for a whole different kind of Black Friday!), and beddie bye at noon-o-clock so the board can eat meat, slog brew, and belch their American spirit to the tune of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and ESPN's Thursday Night Football -- all for one hour of over time.

If you would like to join Anthony's cause you can do so at

*Since time of writing, Brian Dunn has deleted his own post on his Corp Blog as quoted above and replaced it with another expressing his thanks to the company and his employees for sacrificing their holiday for the company.

(Written by: Hoodoo4102)

Dorkly Bits: Dorkly Video Favorites

 These are just a few of the many Original Videos that has produced. I love these little videos and watch them whenever a new one comes out.
Check them out and maybe you'll see a old classic that you like. :)

Dorkly Bits: Yoshi Hates Mario - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Mortal Kombat Friendship - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Rampage Apology - Dorkly Video:

Mario Meets Portal 2 - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Mario Goes Down The Wrong Pipe - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Plants vs. Zombies Wall-nut Gets Bitten - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Smash Bros. Fatalities - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Mario is a Furry - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Mario Responds to PETA - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Boos Man Up - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: It's a Wonderful Extra Life.

Dorkly Bits: Link Finds Ganon's Weakness - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Ski Free Yeti Gets Desperate - Dorkly Video:

Dorkly Bits: Bioshock Little Sister's Big Date - Dorkly Video

Dorkly Bits: Puzzle Quest Ogre is a Nerd - Dorkly Video:
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guys! Something has got to change.

Ok guys, we need to change now because it is really getting bad out there. I'm so tired of trying to explain to the girls why all men are A-hole Douche-bags. I mean I'm just sick and frikkin tired of telling the girls after I hear how the guy cheated or screwed up in some unforgivable way. Hell I even hear about guys that got married to the girl and really didn't love the girl at all!?

Seriously though guys we need to do something here. I think we need to just start walking around with signs on telling the girls exactly what’s going on because I’m getting sick of having to explain it.

And all you bad-boy, self-obsorbed,jock,douche-bags are really screwing the rest of us over. I know your self-centered and only thinking how many girls you can screw (real life Barney Stinsen’s) but something has got to change.

I have 4 girls that I consider seriously best friends and they are constantly meeting guys and have a great time with them, then the guys do shit that is absoulutly stupid! Cheating, bad mouthing, and especially when work is concerned. We have jobs and we screw it up and expect the women to be ok with just sitting around and not finding a new job. I know we suffer from a bad economy and less jobs, but find something. Even a non-paying job that shows your trying.

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

January 28 2008 9:41 PM


Why do human beings do such stupid things!
 I really don’t understand why this happens.  I don’t care where they grew up, what cultural background they have, how screwed up their moral compass is after the first mistake and the problems that followed, why do human beings do such stupid and ignorant things.  Not only that!  Why do they do what will ultimately drive them to massive sacrifice and heartache for what shouldn’t have been done in the first place.

  Human beings really are the most intelligent beings on this planet and have accomplished so much in the last 50,000 years of their existence. Yet after all this time they are still making the exact same mistakes over and over and over again, putting themselves thru constant upheaval, war, despair, depression, that usually comes after great discovery and achievement.

  It always seems to come down to wanting what you don’t have and feeling you can’t live without it and thus destroying your and everybody else’s lives just so you can have what you want and then realizing it wasn’t worth all you lost.

   Why can’t we just be satisfied with what we have and try to live our lives helping each other instead of causing so much pain and suffering to all those around us?  Why? Why can’t the human race wake up and fix the problem?  Why?  Why do we have to keep running in the never-ending circle of pain and suffering? Why? 
       Why are we so stubbornly stupid that no matter how much we already have, we always make it harder on ourselves because we think we deserve what we don’t have and instead of working to get our own we need to take it from someone else.

  I truly hate knowing what I know and no matter what I do I can’t stop it from happening. I hate being here.  I hate knowing what I know and wanting so much to change the way things are…………To make the world better……………I want to so much and yet no matter what I know that nothing will ever change and in the end we will end it ourselves and this world will be destroyed by our own hands and as much as I don’t want it to happen I know it will.

Google Music Store Chases Apple’s ITunes - Bloomberg

Google Music Store Chases Apple’s ITunes - Bloomberg:

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Doesn't matter if Apple has a head start, look how long it took Google Android phone to catch the iPhone in sales. I think we will see a similar action against iTunes. :)
Seriously though, Apple is the top gun in this situation. Even with Amazon and Spotify as competitors, Google is the challenger to Apple. Google has shown that people who enjoy easy access to their apps and internet while on the go, can give what they want for a cheaper price and easier problem solving. In many ways we are looking at a new match that used to be Microsoft and Apple. Now it's Google and Apple.

The funny thing is that Google may be late getting the store up, but they were one of the first for creating a cloud service for music storage and access, besides Amazon. Granted Amazon got to the line first, but Google came right back and offered access for free, no fees. Also the storage on Google's Music is much larger then what Apple and Amazon offer and requires no purchases to have access.
   Apple iTunes has the massive library, also ease of purchasing both on your computer and through mobile devices as well as easy sync of music and apps, not to mention back-up. Google does have a big monster of a dragon to slay in matters of iTunes. But as the defeat of the Apple iPhone has shown, Google is up to the task.