
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

January 28 2008 9:41 PM


Why do human beings do such stupid things!
 I really don’t understand why this happens.  I don’t care where they grew up, what cultural background they have, how screwed up their moral compass is after the first mistake and the problems that followed, why do human beings do such stupid and ignorant things.  Not only that!  Why do they do what will ultimately drive them to massive sacrifice and heartache for what shouldn’t have been done in the first place.

  Human beings really are the most intelligent beings on this planet and have accomplished so much in the last 50,000 years of their existence. Yet after all this time they are still making the exact same mistakes over and over and over again, putting themselves thru constant upheaval, war, despair, depression, that usually comes after great discovery and achievement.

  It always seems to come down to wanting what you don’t have and feeling you can’t live without it and thus destroying your and everybody else’s lives just so you can have what you want and then realizing it wasn’t worth all you lost.

   Why can’t we just be satisfied with what we have and try to live our lives helping each other instead of causing so much pain and suffering to all those around us?  Why? Why can’t the human race wake up and fix the problem?  Why?  Why do we have to keep running in the never-ending circle of pain and suffering? Why? 
       Why are we so stubbornly stupid that no matter how much we already have, we always make it harder on ourselves because we think we deserve what we don’t have and instead of working to get our own we need to take it from someone else.

  I truly hate knowing what I know and no matter what I do I can’t stop it from happening. I hate being here.  I hate knowing what I know and wanting so much to change the way things are…………To make the world better……………I want to so much and yet no matter what I know that nothing will ever change and in the end we will end it ourselves and this world will be destroyed by our own hands and as much as I don’t want it to happen I know it will.

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