
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Music Store Chases Apple’s ITunes - Bloomberg

Google Music Store Chases Apple’s ITunes - Bloomberg:

'via Blog this'

Doesn't matter if Apple has a head start, look how long it took Google Android phone to catch the iPhone in sales. I think we will see a similar action against iTunes. :)
Seriously though, Apple is the top gun in this situation. Even with Amazon and Spotify as competitors, Google is the challenger to Apple. Google has shown that people who enjoy easy access to their apps and internet while on the go, can give what they want for a cheaper price and easier problem solving. In many ways we are looking at a new match that used to be Microsoft and Apple. Now it's Google and Apple.

The funny thing is that Google may be late getting the store up, but they were one of the first for creating a cloud service for music storage and access, besides Amazon. Granted Amazon got to the line first, but Google came right back and offered access for free, no fees. Also the storage on Google's Music is much larger then what Apple and Amazon offer and requires no purchases to have access.
   Apple iTunes has the massive library, also ease of purchasing both on your computer and through mobile devices as well as easy sync of music and apps, not to mention back-up. Google does have a big monster of a dragon to slay in matters of iTunes. But as the defeat of the Apple iPhone has shown, Google is up to the task.

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