
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guys! Something has got to change.

Ok guys, we need to change now because it is really getting bad out there. I'm so tired of trying to explain to the girls why all men are A-hole Douche-bags. I mean I'm just sick and frikkin tired of telling the girls after I hear how the guy cheated or screwed up in some unforgivable way. Hell I even hear about guys that got married to the girl and really didn't love the girl at all!?

Seriously though guys we need to do something here. I think we need to just start walking around with signs on telling the girls exactly what’s going on because I’m getting sick of having to explain it.

And all you bad-boy, self-obsorbed,jock,douche-bags are really screwing the rest of us over. I know your self-centered and only thinking how many girls you can screw (real life Barney Stinsen’s) but something has got to change.

I have 4 girls that I consider seriously best friends and they are constantly meeting guys and have a great time with them, then the guys do shit that is absoulutly stupid! Cheating, bad mouthing, and especially when work is concerned. We have jobs and we screw it up and expect the women to be ok with just sitting around and not finding a new job. I know we suffer from a bad economy and less jobs, but find something. Even a non-paying job that shows your trying.

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