
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Missing Persons in USA, 2,300 a Day.

   I was reading "Dead Beat" By Jim Butcher (part of the Dresden Files series) and the number of missing people was brought up in the USA every year. I decided to go online and see what I could find. This is a startling number. I had no idea that it was this many people. The websites below list the numbers. Check them out before reading on.
What did you think?
Now I know a few of you are thinking that this is the number of people that people go missing and are later found. Well unfortunately that isn't the case. These numbers are based on the number of people that are NEVER found.  The number of people that go missing and are then found later is much higher.  Which brings up the question:  How can people just disappear?
 Before we jump into conspiracy theories about something like this, let’s try to think logically.  There are lots of ways for a human being to just vanish. It has been proven that people can go off the grid and vanish from everyday life. There have been plenty of movies and TV shows about criminals, fugitives and scared people who have decided that society isn't for them and they just leave their lives behind. They leave their cell phones, credit cards, clothes, family and everything behind for a life where they can't be found. Some become homeless or hermits in the wild. Others just take on a new identity, have papers forged or specifically made and vanish into a new life. But, then there is the question of bodies found that have no ID or any markings that show who they may have been or who they were and they end up Jane or John Doe's in a Corners office.
What really catches my interest is the people who go missing without a trace. No body, no tracks, no nothing. How often do you hear about this and it just rolls off your back? In some parts of the world the number is higher because of the lack of jobs that require them to keep an eye on you. Now I'm not simply meaning of a bad way, just accountants and HR people keeping track of your pay dates and such so they know who you are and how you are paid, or your mortgage, banks statements, mail, etc. little things that are set up in order to keep track of people.  
 In today's society, people are worried about being watched or tracked on the Internet. I understand about it being a violation of your privacy but when you think about, wouldn't you want someone to be able to find you if you needed it? Say for example, you walked outside and down the street from your house. Suddenly the ground caves in under you, now your deep in a hole and your knocked unconscious. Granted someone could come along and find the hole and see you down there. But what if it happened in some strange place that you haven't gone before. Would someone you know be able to find you? How many people check on you when they don't have to? Family, Friends, etc? It doesn't have to be some strange Sci-Fi or crazy psycho killer. It just has to be an accident.

 Let's talk about the other side though. Many people believe that there is more to live than meets the eye. You can look at the mysteries of the world the same way you can look at Religion.  People say God is real. Can you see him/her? Can you touch him/her? Can He/Her be walking the street right next to you? Does He/Her listen when you pray?  All these questions can be related to asking if Vampires, Bigfoot, Angels, Demons exist. If Angels exist, then do Demons? You could go back and forth for HOURS arguing both sides of the fence thinking that common sense says that neither side is right or wrong.  You honestly can't prove anything if there is no hard evidence. But there is Belief, and we all know from our history books that belief is all you need to make it a fact in your own mind.  So based on that, why couldn't some of these missing people have vanished because something beyond our reasoning and understanding took them?  Now I'm not going to say for certain that any of that is true, because I honestly can't prove it can or can't be true. But I do know that there are many things in this world that I can't understand and don't know for sure that they exist.
 For example; say your walking down the street in the rain. The rain clears and a rainbow comes out. You look and say "Oh Wow that's beautiful!" From next to you a man says,"What is?" You reply to them without looking, "The rainbow in the sky." The man says, "What's a Rainbow?" you turn to comment and you see the man is blind. After a moment, you explain to the blind man what a rainbow is, he laughs a bit and says "Sure pal, whatever. I can see the magic colors in the sky too." Granted this is a more blunt example but is no different from arguing about the existence of a jellyfish to a man who lives in the middle of Africa and has never seen or heard of the Ocean.
  I'm personally one to believe that there are stranger things in life than what we are brought up to believe. Being an Irish-Catholic, I was brought up to believe in my religion, but since my youth I have been exposed to many things in this world that has lead me to believe that there are things that I can understand and things that I can't. But I do have faith, and that's something that allows anything to be believable. The websites below give factual numbers. How do we know? Because it's their job to figure out numbers. What do those numbers mean? That something has happened to those people. Is it something we can wrap our minds around and understand? I honestly don't know, but I have faith that one day an answer will come about. When that happens......Will we be ready for that answer?

Missing Persons Statistics and Facts — 2,300 a Day — Crime Library on
America's Missing
Missing In America

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