
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sony PS3 Hacker- He's both right and wrong.

I think what this guy (George Hotz)is doing is both good and bad. He is bringing to light information that people need to know about how Sony looks at the consumers and about the tech they work with.  Granted he went the wrong way around doing it, but if your going to boast about your system being so great, then don't be going into a tantrum because someone proved you wrong and then made the info public. to be honest I'm not a computer programmer, though I wanted to in college but couldn't get past the math. I could write C++ but the grade needed the math to equal it. The point is I have a good understanding about what this is about but I'm no expert, just a guy with a keyboard.

  Hackers have been going to to supposedly secure sites and hardware for years trying to figure out the systems and showing where the flaws are in the systems and showing their skill as programmers.  I honestly respect these people because they are skilled at something and enjoy what they are doing
 Hackers are needed in our day/age to show where the problems are so we can fix them. Hell if we had hackers working on the School systems, so many problems would be solved.

 But I think most people don't know the difference between a Hacker and a Cracker.  Though they may go by different names there is a very obvious difference between a person who breaks into a companies computer system and what they do once they have accomplished this.
Most Hackers go to the task of breaking into a system just to prove that they can do it.  Its like a wood carver going out into the forest, cutting down and tree and then carving the tree down into a 5 piece bedroom set. He wanted to do it, he had to tools so he did it. And the key aspect is, he did no real harm in the process.  This is what hackers do. They go into a system and break through the walls of encryption and find their way through. Once inside, they will copy the information and either send it to the company or post it online as a trophy, usually informing the company that they succeeded. What normally follows is either a suing process or a job application.  Most often both happen.  They sue the hacker and then offer them a job to work on the system.

 Now a Cracker is a whole different type of computer programmer. These are the guys who do the same thing as a hacker but once inside the system they don't just copy a little info. These guys do damage. They take the information and then use or sell it to competing companies for profit. They infect the system with a virus or viruses and cause corruption of the system and causing millions of dollars in damage (dollars as in work hours trying to undo the damage and replacing equipment).  This is where terms like malicious malware, virus, spam, and other terms come from.   

 What Holtz did shouldn't really be dragged through the court systems and waste time and money, though I guess someone thinks this is a worth-while cause to fight.  I mean if the guy can jailbreak the iPhone and PS3, imagine if he got a job at Google?! I'd love for this guy to work for a major newspaper or computer/gaming news group so he could do it with all computer and gaming systems so we can have access to what the creators won't let us have.  Hell he' doing what most MOD'ers do on their favorite video games. He's giving people a new way to use the product. I know a lot of low-income families would love to use their PS3 the same as a home computer. Hell its a lot cheaper the putting up the funds for a $1,000.00 laptop and it works on your TV. I can think of a ton of college kids who would pay the price of a PS3 to get what would usually cost a lot more on a Desktop PC. And it comes with Bluetooth!! Like TBBT says, "everything is better with Bluetooth."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

May 29 2008 12:17 PM

Letter to Amy in Florida

Hey Amy,

  I wasn't avoiding you and Honestly I'm ok.  I'm just trying to deal with the fact that I hurt someone so deeply and dealing with the guilt of knowing that.
It's things like this that really throws me off dating. I don't like having to hurt people and I don't want too. But I couldn't lie to her and tell her that I had the same feelings for her as she had for me.  It's not true and I don't want her having hope that something was going to happen when it wasn't.  She called me cruel for doing what I did, but in the long run I know I did the right thing.  I care for her but I don't love her.  I know what love feels like and I did try to see if I could love her, but it just wasn't there.  
   You know when you love someone.  There is a comfort you feel in their pressence, you want to be with them, hold them, treasure them like a gift from heaven.  I've only had that once and I still feel it when I think about her.  But I know that i can't have that with her anymore.
   I want so much not to be alone, but in the same aspect I want to love and to be loved.  
 I have so many hobbies and activities to distract me from these feelings, yet I still find time in the day when I can't get away from them.
Guess I just have to deal with it till I find the woman that will make me forget about everything else and just about her.
   Do you feel this way? I know you have told me how it is for you but I've been wondering if we are all that different. Your looking for the same thing I am, as I know so many men and women are looking for right now.  I think the only difference between all of us is that we have different views on the package we want/need.  We say we just want to be loved and to love, but when it comes down to it there is so much more we want/need the person to be and because we are afraid of not living up to that persons expectations or vice versa we don't reveal everything.  We all know that fairy tales don't exist. That they are just stories made up to help us hope, but in the end we all want that fairy tale so bad we will do anything to have it.  I know I have and I did, but I guess that's the only way we learn.

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

February 10 2008 9:28 PM


Why do I always have to be the punching bag.

  Its been the same damn thing since I was a kid, no matter where or how I always end up being the one everybody has to shit on and smack around.  I can handle the physical damage.  I actually prefer that because the pain is able to be rubbed and soothed, the verbal and psychological pain can’t be soothed, repaired or mended it just hurts and continues to hurt more and more.  No end and no give.
   Why do I have to deal with this?  I’ve got my own shit to deal with, why do I have to get hit and smacked around by others for things I have nothing to do with. Why?

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

January 28 2008 9:41 PM


Why do human beings do such stupid things!
 I really don’t understand why this happens.  I don’t care where they grew up, what cultural background they have, how screwed up their moral compass is after the first mistake and the problems that followed, why do human beings do such stupid and ignorant things.  Not only that!  Why do they do what will ultimately drive them to massive sacrifice and heartache for what shouldn’t have been done in the first place.

  Human beings really are the most intelligent beings on this planet and have accomplished so much in the last 50,000 years of their existence. Yet after all this time they are still making the exact same mistakes over and over and over again, putting themselves thru constant upheaval, war, despair, depression, that usually comes after great discovery and achievement.

  It always seems to come down to wanting what you don’t have and feeling you can’t live without it and thus destroying your and everybody else’s lives just so you can have what you want and then realizing it wasn’t worth all you lost.

   Why can’t we just be satisfied with what we have and try to live our lives helping each other instead of causing so much pain and suffering to all those around us?  Why? Why can’t the human race wake up and fix the problem?  Why?  Why do we have to keep running in the never-ending circle of pain and suffering? Why? 
       Why are we so stubbornly stupid that no matter how much we already have, we always make it harder on ourselves because we think we deserve what we don’t have and instead of working to get our own we need to take it from someone else.

  I truly hate knowing what I know and no matter what I do I can’t stop it from happening. I hate being here.  I hate knowing what I know and wanting so much to change the way things are…………To make the world better……………I want to so much and yet no matter what I know that nothing will ever change and in the end we will end it ourselves and this world will be destroyed by our own hands and as much as I don’t want it to happen I know it will.

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

January 23 2008 5:25 PM 

Why do nice guys finish last??

I'm the kind of guy who has a different take on things.  This is most true in regard to women.  I especially like going out of my way to make my girl happy or to see just pure joy come out, that really makes me feel good and I love the resulting shock or happiness.   I'm a unusual male to say the least in that almost everything the average male loathes doing with women, I don't always mind.  Sure there are somthings I would rather not do, but if it makes her happy and she is willing to do the same with me then its totally worth it.. And I've often thought of myself as the nice guy and unfortunately the old saying goes,"nice guys finish last."  Which was a question I was interested in asking and would love your opinion.
    Which would you rather have?  A nice guy all around or a guy that starts out nice but then becomes a regular guy after you get to know him.  I find that many women say they want the nice guy but then after a while they get bored and want a guy who treats them nice to start but then later, when the guy shows his true colors and just doesn't care the women start wishing for the nice guy again. Some women I have noticed hook up with  complete Assholes who treats them like garbage and insults them on a regular basis when the guy who respects them and treats them so well is thrown asside...Why is that? 
     The information that I get from guys is that women want to be treated right but most women think ; nice guys they can "walk all over them" and they don't feel any respect for him, So they go with the guy thats treats them not as well as the nice guy did.  I get so conflicted so I never know how to act around women, should I be a gentlemen or a gentle-jerk?

Blog Transfer from "Windows Live Spaces"

December 17 2007 2:04 PM

My Christmas Charity Idea

 I had a wish once, that if I could organize it and had the power of time and space, I would hold a Christmas benefit/charity concert for multiple organizations...broadcast it live on cable, internet and regular TV...and hold it at the Chicago Theater downtown....and it would be staring famous performers and actors/actresses from throughout the past 200 years.  From Judy Garland to Audrey Hepburn; from Bob Hope to Abbott and Costello. 
  And the way I would do it is; the Chicago Theater would become a passage way(Nexus) through time where people from both Present and Past would walk into the theater and be there as if it was their own time period.  So say Gene Autrey would walk in from 1967 at the same time as Jimmy Durante in 1937 and Dean Martin could walk in from 1954 at the same time as Jack Benny in 1925...I know I have those years wrong but you get the idea.
  And they would each go on stage and either perform together or individually or whatever.  Just imagine the stars in their youth and prime....Nate King Cole peforms live with Natalie Cole as an adult, Judy Garland and Karen Carpenter singing a Christmas Duet, Abbott and Costello, Jack Benny, and Red Buttons all on stage doing a holiday skit with Marylin Monroe, Carol Brunett and Gilda Radner. Frank Sinatra performing w/Joss Stone, and Dean Martin w/Kelly Clarkson, John Lennon and Bono, Janis Joblin w/Melissa Ethridge, Johnny Cash w/Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley w/Bing Crosby, and whoever else you could think of.
   It would probably run for around 3 hrs the whole time people either calling in to make donations as well as internet.  Man just thinking about how huge that would be and the amount of money that would be raised. It would be fantastic, plus all the concert would be recorded and you could purchase the performances on CD and video/DVD which would sell for years afterward.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Teachers Need More Respect!

 A friend of my GF's posted the statement below on Facebook and I shared it on my page and honestly I wanted to push it one further because really, The teachers in this country need the support and backing they deserve. They put up with more shit than anyone else and are poorly respected by our children and but most parents.  
  The teachers are the ones who will make your kids into the knowledgeable adults they will become. Parents can't educate their kids to be successful, schools can. But how can teachers teach if they can't even have access to the tools that are needed?  Below is a great, though generalized way of looking at the way most teachers are paid, but they should be paid and respected more then people treat them. My sister is a teacher. Two of my cousins are teachers! Most of my college friends are Teachers! Teachers make the future better for our kids because they prepare their minds to handle the information thats coming towards them.

Are you sick of high paid teachers? Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! It’s time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - baby sit! We can get that for less than minimum wage.

That’s right. Let’s give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM
with 45 min. off for lunch and plan — that equals 6 1/2 hours).

Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children.

Now how many do they teach in day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.

LET’S SEE…. That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 peryear. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children
X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here! There sure is!

The average teacher’s salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student–a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your


  Seriously, Teach your kids to respect their teachers, because if you don't how will the teachers be passionate about teaching your kid. Would you want to deal with a kid that doesn't show you respect?? IF your kids don't respect you, how will they show respect to anyone else??

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Female version of Penis Envy

Tonight a friend of mine, a girl and she is a friend on Facebook and I know her from work, told me about how she had seen a young blonde woman, about her age, driving a muscle car that she would love to have. See that particular car has always given her a little hotness down in her nether region.  She said that it worried her that she was turned on by such a thing, seeing a woman driving a car she likes and it made her excited.
  I told her it was nothing to be ashamed or worried about. She was just having the female version of penis envy. She saw another woman with something she wanted. Not unusual, a simple fact. I see guys everyday with something I want, but I can't have it. Penis Envy. Women get the same thing.  In this case she saw a car that another woman had and was turned on and she wanted that car.
  Which when you think about it.....a car is very similar to a man's penis. It is very strong and hard when it's turned on. It makes women excited when it drives by them. And it can come really fast when pushed to the limit.