
Monday, November 19, 2012

Humans, so stupid.

Interesting! But weren't scientists saying this for the last 20 years? Of course no one listened. Now everyone is calling..."Whoopsy-daisy! We Screwed Up!"

Globe Risks 'Cataclysmic Changes' From Warming, World Bank Says - Bloomberg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7 Best-Case Scenarios for the Future of Humanity

The best hope we have for the future is that people learn to live with each other and work together regardless of our differences. When human beings start to stop seeing themselves as individual races and understand that we all belong to the same species, we can move forward together to take ourselves beyond what we are now, to what will be the future of the human race.

7 Best-Case Scenarios for the Future of Humanity:

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Red Bull Stratos - The Test of What Humans Can Accomplish!

 When I first heard about Red Bull Stratos and Felix Baumgartner's jump, I thought it was absolutely cool. What I didn't realize at first was what it meant for the people involved and for the effect it will have on humanity.
 Honestly there are thousands of people who are just learning about this historic event today, but in all honesty this will be known in the history books for many years.  It isn't even some kind of crazy stunt, this is something that science and technology have made possible through human endurance and creativity. It shows that with the right imagination and ingenuity, great things can be accomplished. Some people go their whole lives wanting to see something spectacular. This is one of those events, and because of the advancements in internet software and technology, millions were able to watch this event happen live and experience the awe and wonder of what was happening.
  Many of us will never know the thrill of jumping out of a plane with a parachute or riding a rocket to outer space or even know the joy that is climbing to the top of  Mt. Everest. But because of the advancements in social media, we are able to see a world record set from 120,000 feet in the air by a brave human being willing to push the limits of human endurance and do something only one other person has done before.
  This a great event for humanity. Not because of what happened, but what it means for all of us. You can achieve something great, if you're willing to do the work.

Mission complete: Red Bull Stratos lands safely back on Earth

'Fearless Felix' Falls 24 Miles To Earth

Daredevil to attempt supersonic skydive -

Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Officially Safe to Taser Shiftless Teens Now

Can we issue these to teachers now!? I think discipline in the classroom will increase if teachers get to use these. :)
  I'm not even joking. If students knew that teachers had these in their desks and could pull them out as a disciplinary tool, the respect would come back to the teachers and the classrooms would become safer for both students and teachers.

It's Officially Safe to Taser Shiftless Teens Now:

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Zombie Films: Outbreak Zombies VS. Dead/Corpse Risen Zombies.

  It is important to note that there are 2 primary types of Zombie films. Dead/Corpse Risen and Outbreak.  Dead/Corpse Risen refers to the dead rising from the grave and recently deceased coming back to life or re-animating. Outbreak refers to a man-made virus being released into the public, causing mental incapacity of human beings and flesh-eating tendency's.  Outbreak zombies won't come back to life once killed, Where as Dead/Corpse Rising zombies will continue living until the brain cavity is destroyed.

 The easiest way to tell the difference between Dead/Corpse Rising and Outbreak is in the physical articulation.  Outbreak zombies are capable of moving as normal human beings. They run as fast as a normal human though they don't tire.  They keep going until they are killed or their food supply runs out and they starve. Once killed they don't get back up. Where as Dead/Corpse Risen zombies have been affected by rigor-mortise and their bodies have started to decay. This then falls under they stiffening of limbs and muscles making it very difficult to move quickly. In small numbers they are easy to avoid as they can't quickly change direction without losing balance and falling. They will live off of living flesh of any kind, but are best sustained by brains.

How Badly Do we need to Reform the policies surrounding political donations from Businesses to the Government

CULTURE: The Do-Damage Congress: Who’s Responsible?

 I read the above article, published by the Suicide Girls website.  I came to see that really the corruption in the government came about when businesses and corporations began making political investments in our government.
 I'm fine with politicians getting donations from voters and supporters but not from corporations. Especially when those donations are in the millions of dollars, that could be spent on more important things.
   It is well known that many corporations and major financial giants make major contributions to political campaigns and politicians in order to gain favor on political issues and how policies are written. This also comes in handy when dealing with taxes and how large corporations are given dispensation.

 It occurs to me that in order to curb this major problem in our governments political engine, we need to cut off the supply of the corruption. it's not enough to accuse politicians of these problems, we need to have policy written to prevent these "donations to political campaigns" from actually being used as bribery. The most logical choice would be to single out the corporations or businesses involved and fine them. Again, doesn't fix the problem. In order to properly cut off any business from investing in a politician in any way and prevent corruption of those politician's, We need to make it impossible for any money to go to individual politicians.

  A discreet policy needs to be amended to the government that any politician running for public office in the United States of America, must account for ever dollar that their campaign and office obtains as well as throughout their career in politics. Meaning that separate books must be kept for every single politician as soon as they make the move to be in charge of an office in the government, in any capacity. Whether it be Governor, State Representative, Congressman, etc. Any office/branch/division of the USA Government must be now under financial surveillance.  Once they start on a career trail of politics they are immediately assigned a new identification number and a record is kept on their career.   This may seem like a violation of privacy, but considering the damage that has been done to the financial structure of our government, drastic changes must be made if we are to survive as a democracy. In essence this should fall under the division of Homeland Security.
   Now the money that is donated, which will continue to happen, must now be automatically pushed toward payment of the debt of the United States Treasury. Non-negotiable. This way the money goes away from the politicians and works to help fix one of the many problems our government has.
  Also with the advent of social media outlets and access to information on the national networks, All government actions must now be made available to the public for viewing online and in structure that every single American of a voting age can read and understand what these policies are about. Also a approval system must be in place so that opinions on these matters can be available for all to see and to comment on so the government officials know exactly what the people think of what they are doing.  This system will be specifically connected to all American citizens as part of their state identification.  You will be able to access it and be able to also access the politicians files on their finances and political career. In essence we will be developing a Political "Facebook" that will help the general public have access to all the information that is needed to make an informed decision about the political offices and the people who are elected to them.

  As this is a act to reign in the corruption that has been going on since the 1960's, it is of vital importance that politicians need to know that they will no longer be able to make promises that will not come with consequences.

The Theology of Yoda. Religion in Thought, Mind and Choice.

I've always looked at Yoda as the old wise-man from the films I saw as a kid. As I have grown older I realized that there is some truth to the statements that were made in George Lucas' films of Intergalactic War and Religious beliefs. There are many ways to interpret what is being said. Though many would want you to read the bible or listen the theological views about what is actually being said, I've learned that not everything that people study is interpreted the same way.
  We all see things the way we want to see them and that doesn't mean we are wrong or evil for seeing it that way. Though choosing to think that your version is the only truth and persecute anyone else who thinks differently is the wrong way. No one ever thinks the same way as anyone else. Some may believe in the same thing but the way they interpret it and act on it will differ dramatically.  Some may not even believe what they are told because they feel they need to learn it in their own way, or find the truth behind it.

  I think it's one of the truest form of Free Will. Even when we are told something that is absolutely true, we still want to search for more to find out if it really is true. I have been Catholic since I was baptized as a baby. Throughout my time with the religion I have had encounters with other people and religious orders that don't believe the exact same thing I do. Many in my own church don't believe in the teachings of Catholicism the same way I do. I don't think they are wrong or misinterpreting it. I honestly think they are just as right as I am. But what I do have a problem is when they try and force their beliefs on someone else.
  Religion and faith are just as much a choice of turning left or right on a road. You can believe in something and follow the path that is set before you, but no one says you have to believe it the same as everyone else. You have a choice in how you act and interpret what your religion teaches.  Now some might say I'm talking Heresy,  but that is their opinion.  I can think and believe in whatever I want and that is mine to choose. No one can make me believe in something. I can even say I believe in something  that someone tells me to believe and not actually believe it.  I'm not saying that I do, but I have the choice to do so.

  In a manner of speaking Yoda points this out in his statement  in the film "The Empire Strikes Back" of  "No, Try Not. Do or Do Not, There is no Try".  This can be interpreted as many things. But one is that don't do something unless you believe you can. This is then solidified when Yoda lifts the ship when Luke couldn't. Luke then approaches Yoda saying..." I don't....I don't believe it." Yoda responds with, "That is why you fail." When looking at it from a view of choice, Luke choose not to completely believe that he could lift the ship. He gave into his fear of failing in the task, which was the result.  If you choose to believe in something, you need to go in to that believe with commitment. Otherwise you won't find what you're looking for.
  You can see aspects of this in every day life. If you want to do something but you don't go into it with all your ability, you probably won't get the satisfaction that you thought you would.  From as simple as putting a model together, or playing a video game, to planning a wedding , a charity event or your professional career. You can't just put in the bare-minimum effort and expect it to work out exactly as you want.  You have to commit yourself into that task till it is completed. Only by placing yourself all the way forward behind what you want, will you succeed.  It comes down to making the choice of "Do or Do Not".

  In another way, you can look at Yoda's view of  "Fear leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering." as a statement of religious views.  Many people don't believe in what other people believe in. Because of this fear and resentment can form for other religions because people are content with what is being taught about life. Because of this fear and doubt that ones religions isn't giving them the satisfaction that another's religion is can lead to anger that they are being cheated or that everything they believe in is false. This aspect can fester and people begin to show aggression against those people that believe differently then them. They can think, 'Why are they so content? Why don't I feel that content with what I have been taught? Why is it so easy for them?'  This can then manifest as Hatred for the religion and the people who follow it. Hatred can spread to others and fighting can start both in words and in physical violence. Finally becoming suffering on both sides. Both sides give into the fear, anger, and hatred of the other religious beliefs and they all suffer because of it.
  Once again there is always a choice in how you feel about things.  If you choose to fear something because it is different or isn't how you see it should be, then you can't see everything about it.  Don't instantly judge something without taking a good look at it, especially when dealing with interpreting what someone says and what someone believes. You have a choice to see things as they are and not as someone else sees them. Instead of following the crowd in what they see, look at it yourself and try to see what it actually is. Curiosity has always been one of the strongest drives for human beings. Discovery of new and different things is the corner stone of our society. We choose to go out and explore what is the world around us and find out for ourselves what is going on.  You can listen to what other people say, but that doesn't mean you have to believe it. You have that choice.

 Just like what I'm saying in this blog. It is just my opinion. I'm not saying I'm right and you have to believe what I say. I could be wrong and mis-interpreting all of it. But that is your choice, just as mine was to post this online for everyone to see and get the opinions of them. I'm not giving into the fear of rejection and criticism. I'm embracing it for the benefit of learning and experiencing life.

Lead Well, but Yoda was Wrong | Richard Burkey:

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Yoda's Wisdom for Your Walk

There's some really good reading here.

Take a moment to read some of these links.
Brings some perspective.

CULTURE: When The Shit Hits The Fan, You Gotta Think Outside The Box

Friday, August 24, 2012

This Injustice Must End: The Ticketmaster Monopoly

The Consumerist » Uncle Sam Cool With Live Nation/Ticketmaster Monopoly:
Time to break TicketMaster’s monopoly?
More on Ticketmaster’s legal ‘ticket scalping’ | AEIdeas:
The Ticketmaster Monopoly - Stuff -
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Above are links to sites where others have posted and made information available about the ridiculous injustice that exists in the United States of America today.

 Ticketmaster has a monopoly on the ticketing of music and entertainment events all across the country. If you want to go to a concert for your favorite band, you have to go  through Ticketmaster to get those tickets. Now I say this because even if you go to a different company that will purchase the tickets for you, they have to go through Ticketmaster to get those tickets.  What's truly sad about this is that our government can see and knows that this is a monopoly but refuses to make any moves to change it.  Why this is, baffles me.   I don't want to assume corruption or bribes through campaign contributions or just negligence on our state legislature-rs, but and answer needs to be found and changes must be made.

   I have a frame at home that holds all of the concert tickets for the shows I have attended since I was in High School.  Almost every single one of them has the Ticketmaster logo on them. Many of them were purchased through ticket-vendors around town. The more recent ones were purchased online. Which is always, even if going through my favorite bands website, routed to Ticketmaster.
   The ticket prices are usually acceptable amounts that I'm willing to pay. I don't even go for different then general seating because I usually can get great seats. What is ridiculous is the charges that come after the ticket purchase; Convenience charge, Handling charge, etc... In the end you've paid for your ticket and your halfway to paying for a second ticket. Plus the amounts are not even reasonable considering the amount of people attending these events. I can understand service charges for purchasing online but the amount is completely unreasonable. Even if the show doesn't sell out, Ticketmaster is making a gigantic profit just off of the additional charges. What's worse is that if you average out how many concerts are held every year and you add up those additional charges, Ticketmaster keeps that for themselves and doesn't share with the performers or the venues.

   More than anything else. The people are the ones who are screwed out of their enjoyment. This all comes back harder on the people who have to pay to go to the show. There is the enormous price on the tickets, then the high prices for food and drink at the venue as well as parking and transportation to the venue.  Ticketmaster can be placed as the Primary suspect for the current state of the Entertainment and Music Concert Tours that go one throughout the country today.  All the prices for the shows are stemmed from Ticketmaster not sharing it's profits with the partners of its ticketed events.

  What's worse is that Ticketmaster takes jobs off the market that could exist as part of the normal consumer market.  Ticketmaster is the only game in town when it comes to ticketing for events.  If there were 2 or 3 companies that could offer tickets besides Ticketmaster, there would be a major change in how the economy of concerts and events was handled. First off, if you look at the size of Ticketmaster's employment; slice it in half and you see how many jobs would be available if another company existed in the market.  That's around a 1,000 jobs right there. When Live Nation was started, it looked like a change in the concert music scene. Many were hopeful that Live Nation would finally change how Ticketmaster did business and force them to change their ways.  But then Ticketmaster's partnership with Live Nation took that all away.

  It is a classic story of how a single company has used and abused the people for it's own selfish needs instead of the promotion of entertainment and art in our country. The only way this story ends, is that the people need to stand against this tyranny and force a change for the betterment of our economy and our low job rates. By forcing Ticketmaster to break up it's company and release Live Nation as a independent ticketing vendor, will we see a change in the amounts we have to pay for events as well as a change in how these events are handled.
 This only happens if you make that change. So go online and post your opinion. Contact your state official's and refuse to use Ticketmaster for your concert going needs. Before change can happen, you have to push for the change.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Salvation at last - Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

  It has been proven now by science that Prejudice, Racism and Conservatism is a trait of low I.Q. human beings.
  I have never been happier in my life.  I can now look at a human being that holds these traits and call them to their face(DUMB) and I will actually be right!
 The world just became a little brighter today.
Please Read and Pass on......

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism:

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Brain Freeze Remedy for Headaches / Migraines.

Ok I'm no expert but I have found that giving yourself a Brain Freeze does remove the pain of a severe headache.
   It started when I'm working outside and I start to get a headache, usually due to exhaustion or lack of food though drinking plenty of water,  by giving myself a brain freeze using ice water helps relieve the pain. This is short lived but helps till I can rest and have some food.
   My next experiment with this remedy will involve the 7-Eleven Slurpee (well documented as a brain freeze inducer) and also the typical Ice Cream Soft Serve (available at most road-side ice cream parlors as they tend to induce brain freezes due to the soft ice cream being eaten faster as it is softer and easier to eat).
   The link below actually shows that this is effective as not only a temporary reliever but actually does relieve the pain of some migraine headaches or typical headaches.

Brain Freeze Migraine Remedy - The People's Pharmacy®:
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The summer time is usually when I suffer the most from headaches and stress induced migraines.  They are usually felt right behind my eyes or in the temple of my skull, near the nasal passages. I figure this is primarily due to the weather changes as well as going from the A/C inside to the heavy humidity outside (typical Chicago Summer weather).  I also deal with a lot of stress with work and my personal life, these factors have caused me to be in active as well as almost crippled for several hours, wanting nothing but rest and relief from the pain.
  Though through conversations and research about headaches I have found in my own personal life that most of my headaches are from stress, hunger, lack of caffeine, dehydration, and being over-tired or lack of sleep.  A friend of mine who used to get migraines in school told me that peanut butter helped relieved the pain. In the instances when they come over me, I start by drinking water then caffeine, have something to eat (peanut butter based or other) and then taking pain medication(usually Advil). If that doesn't work I go lay down in a dark room and try to get some rest. After a few hours this usually works. I also take hot showers and rub the stress areas on my body. This sometimes works but not often enough. The Brain Freeze technique is the one I haven't tried yet.
  I honestly was worried about using this technique at the risk of causing myself more pain, but it seems that after doing a few searches online (Google) that I have found reports of people using this technique with successful relief.
 I will be reporting my findings once I have had a chance to experiment with it.

I actually tested this over the summer. I definitely felt a difference between ice water and Slurpee. It was much more intense and a little more painful. I did get more relief, though it didn't last.  Needs more research.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My letter to my sick friend, Amy.

This is a letter I wrote to my friend to tell her to clean up her life before she ends up in a bad place.

  You are my friend.  We have been friends since 2005. We may not have met under the best circumstances, but we ended up kindred spirits of a like. I have seen you at some of the best times and at the worst. More so in recent years but then you've seen me in my worst times.  We both have our scars from the world. We both have been harmed, but I see you doing yourself more harm then good. I see you and I hurt inside. I feel myself empathizing what you must be feeling. The sadness, grief, sorrow, darkness that I see you falling into, surrounds me. I want more than anything to reach out, grab hold of you, and pull you out of this darkness. I want to take you away from it and keep you safe. But I know I can't. I can't do what I want to do because it won't solve the problem.
  There is no band-aide that I can put over your wound to allow it to heal. I can't take the drink out of your hand and throw away your liquor. I can't force you to make yourself better and to bring yourself out of the tailspin you are diving into. You think you are alone and that no one cares. You've think you can fix what is wrong on your own, without any help. What you don't realize is that you have been sitting in a pot of water that has been slowly heating up until now, you can't see that you are boiling to death.
 What hurts me the most, is the fear that because I can't make you better, is that I will lose you. That hurts me more than anything. I have held you in my arms and held you in my heart.  I care for you beyond love, beyond family and beyond friendship. I care about you Amy."

Over the last 2 weeks she has been in the hospital for liver and kidney problems. She is now in the ICU. The doctors have given her 48 hrs. I'm posting it up because I didn't get to give it to her.  I'm going in to say goodbye to her tonight.
  I said a rosary prayer 2 days ago asking that I have this opportunity. I'm glad I was heard. I got to speak to her. She was going in and out of consciousness. I hope she heard me.

Don't wait to tell the people you love that they are hurting themselves. Because while your waiting for the right time, you may find that they are already gone.

Amy passed away Sunday June 17th 2012 shortly after 1AM. I was on my way to see her but she passed as I was trying to find parking. The worst part is, when I got to the room and looked at her with her eyes shut, I remembered a dream where I was looking down at her exactly the same way. I had this dream 3 years earlier. I told her about it when she was still healthy. She told me that I was being over-dramatic.

Monday, June 4, 2012

What happened this morning......

It's the day after the AVON WALK for Breast Cancer and I'm getting ready for work.
 Before I head to the train like always, I have to take Andy, our pet Papillon, out for his daily bathroom break. So I get him leashed up, I head out the backdoor, down the steps out the door and he does his business. I bag it up, throw it out and head for the door to take him back inside. I reach down to my pocket and realize there is nothing there. My keys are supposed to be there, but they are NOT!
 Panic sets in...I check my other pockets and I have nothing. No wallet, no cell phone, no keys, no NOTHING!  I'm so screwed. My Fiancee is at work and no phone so can't call someone. Now this has happened before so I walk around to the front door and start hitting the door-buzzers for my neighbors. They are really friendly and have no problem helping me out.  I hit each button 3 times. No responses. No one is home. I am so screwed!
  I start thinking, what are my options?  It's 8:50AM and I have to be at  work at 10AM. No money so pay phones are out (even if I could find one functioning). I need to contact someone with spare key. Only person besides fiancee is parents. Now I need to get to a phone. I run through locations in my head and first option is the library that is 2 blocks away. I walk with Andy down the street to the library. Arrive about 5 minutes later and looking at the times, Closed till 10AM. FRAKK! Still screwed.
  I walk away from the Library and start trying to think of alternatives. I know time is running out before I'm late to work and I need to let them know what is going on. Just then I look across the street and there is an office building. I figure that if they are open I can use the phone. Andy and I walk across the street and up to the door. I pull, but its locked. I turn towards the wall and see a speaker. Must be for people that don't have appointments. I start to move when the door buzzes and I look up to see a woman by a desk looking at me. I open the door and bring Andy in with me. I walk up to her and she greets me with a smile saying, "how can I help you?" She inhales briefly, "Oh, what a beautiful little dog!" she becomes enamored with Andy.  I briefly explain the situation and she says, "Oh my, Of course you can use the phone. I've done that to myself many times."
   She shows me the phone and tells me to just dial like a normal phone. I instantly call the a parents home phone. no answer. I call my Dad's cell phone. He picks up and I explain the situation. He responds," We are at the funeral." FRAKK! I forgot that my family is at a funeral for a member that died last week. I couldn't go because I had to work. Ask Dad's advice. He gives the best he can but all options won't work because I have no money, no ID and I have a dog. The only option he can give me is to call the locksmith he uses to have them open the door. He gives me the number. I write it down and he wishes me luck as he hangs up.  I call work and inform them I'm going to be late, then I call the locksmith and make a appointment for 30 minutes later. From what the lady on the other end told me that it would cost me $72 dollars for the locksmith to pick the lock and if he couldn't get in, he would drill the lock. If he had to do that I would have to pay for replacing the door lock for the building. Frakk!  I thank the very nice lady, she says her goodbyes to Andy and we head back down the street to wait.
  I find a nice shady spot to sit and start thinking about this situation. Andy puts his legs up on my thigh and just pants away happily as I stroke his head and his back.  This is the first time all weekend that I have had time to hang-out with him. I was walking all weekend  for the Avon Walk and when I came home I was exhausted. Yesterday after the walk finished I had to get ready to go the wake for my departed family member. So I didn't have time to play with him or anything for 2 days. Granted my fiancee was there but I could tell that he really missed me. It felt good to play with him and I felt a little better.  I start thinking that maybe this is punishment from God since I missed mass on Sunday. I honestly figured that walking for women with breast cancer and attending a wake would have been suitable exemptions, but I guess I was wrong.
  While sitting with Andy a man comes around the corner and opens up the door to the laundry room. I hear a the window from the laundry room open and a hose comes out. He's one of the building maintenance guys! He has a key? A key that opened the outer door to the laundry room? The same key that would let me in the building. He comes back out through the laundry room door and I explain the situation. He says," Yeah I can let you in, just let me hook up this hose" I say "sure no problem, I can wait." On the inside I'm doing back-flips and jumping around like a overjoyed cartoon character, screaming YAHOOOO!!!
  After he finishes hooking the hose up, he opens the door. I thank him profoundly and with Andy by my side head up the steps to my place. I jump on the phone and call the locksmith to cancel the appointment. I call and leave messages with the family that I'm heading to work. Finally I give Andy a treat, make sure he has plenty of water and the A/C is on. I grab my keys, wallet, bag and Car keys and head down to try and make it to work.
 I arrived 10 minutes late. How's that for one CRAZY MORNING????!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Verizon to Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans. This Is Bullshit.:

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   I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who is pissed off about Verizon screwing all of us loyal users of their service who are getting the axe. Seriously, this is the thanks we get for sticking with them throughout the entire run of the smartphone era!
  Instead of putting more money into the data plan so they don't have to end Unlimited plans. They should put more money into the technology so they can expand it and make the other companies options small by comparison.
  They have been beating AT&T for over 2 years! Now they are following suit to them!!! WHAT THE FRAKK MAN?!
  If they would put less money into the frakking advertisements and that wasted, bantha fodder software they have, they could improve their service areas to the ENTIRE North American Continent! Especially in areas where NO service is currently available. Instead of screwing us, put your money into becoming the best service available.
  IF they follow threw with this. I'm taking my money and leaving. I Frakking don't care about the early termination fees!

Verizon to Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans. This Is Bullshit.

Unlimited data on Verizon is dead. The death rattle just wheezed out during Verizon Communications CFO Fran Shammo's dream-killing presentation at the JP Morgan Technology, Media and Telecom conference. Everyone with a grandfathered unlimited data plan will be forced to switch to a tiered plan when they upgrade to LTE. It's absurd, warrantless, and sadly, typically, aggressively anti-consumer.
Killing unlimited—especially grandfathered plans—was always going to piss off, well, everyone, but Verizon thinks it has a good reason. "Everyone will be on data share," Shammo said. All customers will be forced onto Verizon's new shared data plans once their upgrade cycle comes around, which are in theory easier to manage for multi-device families. Except that doesn't really pass the smell test.
Here's the thing: shared plans aren't evil. They actually make some sense with the amount of wireless devices we carry around at this point. Phones, tablets, MiFis, even 3G laptops are getting pretty good. And a shared, unified data plan would keep you from having to pay for a MiFi, an iPad, and a smartphone, all separately. But if you only have one device, and you are just fine, thank you, with the plan that you have, there is no sense to forcing you off of your plan and squeezing you into one that accommodates an iPad you don't own.
Verizon's unlimited data hasn't been available since last summer. But for those of us who snuck in under the cutoff, there was a sense of safety. AT&T killed its unlimited plans back in the middle of 2010, and there had been no indication that there would be a retroactive culling of them going forward. As long as you were careful with your plan, you were free to keep it.
Verizon's policy had been fairly benevolent until now, at least outwardly. 3G unlimited users were allowed to keep their unlimited plans when they moved to LTE, with no added charge. There had been signs that Verizon had been getting wary of unlimited sticking around, with its push to make 3G Facetime only available to non-unlimited customers.
Admittedly, most people who have unlimited plans don't actually need unlimited data, or anything close to it. But that's beyond the point. Verizon sold a product, and through no fault of its customers—most of whom aren't even abusing it—it is now calling takebacks.
We've contacted Verizon, and it has refused to comment on whether this is actually definitely positively happening, but given the certainty behind Shammo's presentation, don't hold your breath. [Verizon via FierceWirelessMobileBurn via Engadget]

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy:

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I so very much need to do everything on this list.  I put so much energy into these things and I don't even know why.

Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:
 There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”Wayne Dyer. What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?
Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” Lao Tzu
 Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.
 Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.
“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” Eckhart Tolle
about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!
“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle
 Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.
Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.
Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. It doesn’t work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not, the moment you take off all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.
 Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” 
Joseph Campbell
 Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open. “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.” Wayne Dyer
Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. You no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.
I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for – the past that you are now dreaming about – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.
This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too, (it still is) but it’s not something impossible. You get better and better at with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another,  attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.
Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves.  You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Best Marvel Movie EVAR!!!!

I have gone to see each and every Marvel Comics based film that has been in theaters. The Avengers is truly the absolute best I have scene. I've been reading comics since I was in 4th grade and my collection is huge. Based off of my readings and the films that I have seen over the past 3 decades, I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen a comic book movie that made me so fulfilled and happy then The Avengers.

Joss Whedon has truly out-done himself in aspects of movie direction, screenwriting and movie making in general. The action of the film was epic. The cinematography was gorgeous and the special effects were astounding. I'm glad I didn't see it in 3D because now I can go see it again and match it on the differences.

This is now the standard that all comic book based movies will be judged on. Not because of the SFX or the Action, but because of the story. You couldn't help but care about these characters and the story pulled you in. The drama, the comedy, the action mixed with CG was like nothing I have seen since Star Wars.

There are movies I have loved and movies I have Hated. This is now the top bar. Everyone now has to reach to get past it.

Thank you Joss Whedon. Dude you ROCK!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Stand Against "Bully"ing.

I was bullied through all of Grammer school, Junior High and High School.

 It effects your whole life. 

 It never leaves you.

The scars are permanent. 

Never healing, always hurting.


I finished watch the new independent film "Bully". It brought a whole lot of old scars to the surface. There isn't a day goes by, that I don't remember a time in my life when I was bullied.  I don't try to remember those moments. They just spring into my head. I try to shake them out. But they sit there, reminding me of what I learned that particular day.  People will do anything to make themselves feel bigger/better then you.
  Parents don't always know when their kids are being bullied. This is because the kids are embarrassed to tell their parents. The parents that do know the kids being bullied will address the school to do something about it. The school then takes the bully aside and punishes them. The punishment will consist of a lecture, contact the parents, and a warning. The bully retaliates by not only bullying the kid again, but worse for getting them in trouble. The kid then reports it and the punishment stiffens.  On a social standing, the kid who was bullied will then be ostracized by his classmates for telling on the bully. This then leads to additional ridicule and belittlement.
  Now the kids who don't tell on the bully and suffer in silence, these are usually the ones that take it for so long that they finally blow up in rage against the bully or someone who finally pushes them too far.  This will usually end up with the kid being bullied to end up being disciplined for standing up for himself.  The other result rather then blowing up at someone is them internally giving up. This can lead to destructive behavior on themselves; isolation, cutting, mental disorders, depression, and suicide.

  In many ways, bullying is the result of prejudice and bigotry as much as simply wanting to blame someone for problems at home. At the ages of 5-19, kids are just learning who they are in the world and are open to multiple influences and ideas.  There are conflicting issues from home and the world around them. They try to stand behind something because they want to be part of something that others are part of and want to be accepted.  Many times they don't even realize that what they are doing is wrong, because no one told them it was or it was acceptable behavior at home. When they are confronted they either respond as they would at home or they accept that they need to change.
  This is not always as simple as I have stated. Teachers must deal with this on a daily basis.  Parents are not their to see what is going on and many times are completely blind until they hear it from their kids or from the school.
  This is also not always received in a constructive way. Parents will lash out at the school or a the other parents and it doesn't solve the problem but makes it worse.  Violence can issue and you end up with police involvement and negative controversy tarnishing the schools and making it difficult for them to function or control the resulting back-lash.

  In the end, almost nothing is done to curb bullying. Yes, some schools have policies against it, but  that doesn't mean that all schools do.  The sad thing is that the teachers don't want to allow this to happen. They don't want to see the kids being bullied or treated this way. But what can they do?  If they discipline the kid and hold them accountable, the parents of the bully then make a case against the school because the bully will deny that they did anything. The worst is that because of the steady decline of our school systems and the lack of ability for the teachers to keep discipline in the classroom, bullying is allowed to run, unchecked!  How are your kids going to be protected if the schools don't have the resources to protect them.
  If the bullying problem is ever going to be rectified, Teachers need to be able to discipline the kids in the classroom. The punishments for misbehavior and harassment or bullying need to be more strict and unmovable.
  When the schools are given the funds and means to hold those responsible for bullying, as well as curb it before it starts, only then will it truly end. But until the schools get the support they so desperately need, bullying will never stop and more kids will go through life feeling like that are worthless. If they are the ones lucky enough to not commit suicide.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Read this! Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change:

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  Ok I'm a optimist when it comes to the possibility for humanity to wise up and follow the bread crumbs to the realization that the world is changing and we caused it. But we also can fix the problem by giving up what made it this way.
   Are carbon production and use has gotten out of hand.  And now our weather is changing in Record Breaking ways.  Temperatures are on the rise when they should be low. Wet weather is moving in when there should be ice and snow.  This is not something to be rejoicing for, this is something to be worried about.
   Now I'm no extremest and saying you need to throw out your car and anything carbon producing, NO!  What I'm saying is use it a little less. If you can, carpool with a friend. Take the train, Use public transportation. Turn off the lights if you don't need them. Recycle your plastic, paper, metal, electronics and batteries. Change the bulbs to be more efficient. Put in windows that don't leak heat and AC. Trade in your car for a hybrid or electric car. But do these over the course of a year or 2 or 3.  These changes are not super expensive to make and if you do them over time, you'll find your not only saving money but you can get a tax return of a higher amount each year.
 Seriously people, the world is changing now because of what we didn't do 20-30 years ago. Now it's getting to the point where we HAVE to start changing or we will end up not making problems for ourselves. But problems for our children and our grandchildren. Our Generation is screwed. But lets not screw it up for our kids and the generations coming after us.
  If were lucky, we may be able to save thousands of lives in 20 years and then millions of lives in 50 years.  I think that's a pretty good thing to leave behind when I pass on. A healthy Great - grandson is all I want to leave behind me. That's why I make the changes. So I can tell my son, "Yeah we needed to change, Son. And you know what....We did."

Monday, March 5, 2012

Copied from: Confessions of a ‘Bad’ Teacher -

I have a sister who's a Teacher. I have a Fiance who is a Teacher. I have 2 cousins who are Teachers. I have many Friends who are Teachers.

I think Teachers are the ones who can save our future generations from poverty and criminal lives. Unfortunately the government and state systems put in place to help these great people are failing them miserably. They are strangling the system and laying off the staff that is needed to make it all work. They have not only ham-stringed the Teachers in both lack of staff and pay but they also then smear their reputations when they fail to meet unrealistic standards in the reduced environments of our current schools.

Schools that are in badly needed upgrading and refurbishing. No Air-conditioning for the spring and summer months. Inadequate locker storage for students books and supplies. Computers that haven't been upgraded since 2004. Textbooks without a current map of the world or up-to-date world facts. Heck the teachers have to buy and supply the students with all papers and writing assignments out of their own pocket! Not out of a separate fund that should be given by the state for copies and material, out of Teachers own paycheck! which then cuts their pay in half.
Not to mention that the parents of most of the kids are taking the kids word about the teachers as the truth. They are not appreciating that a kid who complains about their teacher most likely is the one misbehaving and causing the problems in the schools. But instead of the parents Dealing with the kids, the parents are then blame the Teachers for their problems. WHY!? The Teachers are paid to TEACH, not to curb your kids attitude and discipline them since you have been spoiling them for years.
The parents even allow their kids to bring a cellphone to school. If you need to give a kid a cellphone, make it only able to make phone calls. No Text or anything else, otherwise you end up with a distracted or disruptive kid, texting, listening to music and not paying attention.
Teachers should have more respect then they do. They are working harder and longer hours then ever before and more responsibility for your kids then you have shown since their birth. Teachers can't stop working and go home like everyone else. They have stacks of papers to grade and lesson assignments to create on a daily basis. When they go home it is usually to a stack of papers to work on and barely enough sleep to survive. Heaven for bid if they decide to have a family. When do they have time to meet someone and start a family. Let alone if they decide to have kids of their own. How do you spend time with you 2 year old son when you have to take care of 28-30 other peoples kids first? It's NOT FAIR!
Their needs to be a Massive Dramatic change in how Teachers are treated and supported. I personally think that every politician in the United States needs to take a 20% pay cut. Which can not be counted as a taxable donation or that can be refunded. In addition all political campaigns that are held, half of the money raised must automatically be pushed towards the public schools in their perspective states, since most of it is used for TV ads and smear campaigns. This money is immediately put to paying for the refurbishing of Public Schools and the hiring of Teachers and support staff as well as supplies for all the Public Schools in the United States.
Politicians have been taking money from the public school systems for years. I think it's time to start putting it back in.

Confessions of a ‘Bad’ Teacher -

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shit Chicagoans Say - YouTube

This is so true of anybody who has lived or worked in Chicago. I myself have said at least Half of what these guys & gals have said. But exchange Cubs with White Sox.

Shit Chicagoans Say - YouTube:

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My letter sent today to Illinois Representatives Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk

 Below is a letter I sent today to my state representatives in Illinois, requesting their support for: 
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

This information came from posts on Facebook and online at several blogs and forums. After reading it I realized that this needs to be passed on as far as it can go so that all United States citizens can contact their state representatives in Washington and help protect their rights.

  As you know there is a new 28th amendment to be voted on soon. I would like this to be pushed forward. "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."
The article below disturbs me and I'm afraid that the people of the citizens, including my self, have been taken advantage of for too long by the unfortunate self-serving politicians in Washington.

I challenge you to read this and NOT have the will to pass it on to all your friends!

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense..

Monday we learned that the staffers of Congress family members are exempt from having to pay back student loans. This will get national attention if news networks will broadcast it. When you add this to the below, just where will all of it stop?
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on.

This is an idea that we should address.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed while citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.

If each person that receives this will share it, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."
By: Patrick J Hunt

  These kinds of actions that the politicians in congress have been passing amendments for their own needs and not the needs of our Citizens as well as the members of our armed forces is unforgivable.
 I'm hopeful that I can count you as not someone who would support legislature that benefits all citizens and not just you and your fellow politicians. As with our men and women in the armed forces of the United States of America, Service is it's own reward.
 Thank you for your attention,
Tom Shields