
Thursday, December 4, 2014

I am not a fan of someone that I see every day.

    Ok I have to get this off my chest because it is really starting to bug me.  I watch "Waking up with Al"on the Weather Channel every morning during the week so I can get the local weather and meteorological info. before I head to work. Now I really like the show and Al Roker really knows his stuff when it comes to weather,but over the last two-three months I have been noticing something that is bothering me.  I don't like Stephanie Abrams;  Al Roker's co-host on the morning show.  At first I thought it might because I didn't she was attractive or the way she talked or something stupid like that, but then I started noticing something the more and more I watched. It didn't hit me right away because I get up at 5AM so I'm not totally awake, but by the time my exercise and breakfast hits me(blood pumping), I noticed it.
  She is very Condescending toward people.
   I really couldn't believe it at first when I heard some of the things she was saying. I can't remember all of the instances, I just know of 3 that stick out for me.
  This morning specifically was the one that hit me the hardest.  Al and Stephanie were interviewing a young woman from NASA who was talking about the rocket launch today. Al seemed to be hitting all the major points on the launch. Then Stephanie starts in on her as to "Why should people care about the space program." Now at first I figured it was a good subject to ask about, but then halfway through the woman's response Stephanie actually interrupts her asking and  I'm paraphrasing here.."Why should we care about this program?" Now I could see that the woman was taken aback a second by the interruption, and shortly after Al ended the interview to move on.
  The second time I saw this was near Thanksgiving during the major snow storms that were happening on the east coast. Stephanie was on location  and was speaking with another weather reporter who was at a different location (both out in the field) and just as he finished up his report, Stephanie starts speaking to him like he had no idea what he was talking about, when he had actually said nothing wrong or inaccurate!
 The third time was about a month or so ago when Al and Stephanie were discussing matters on Alternate energy sources and possible other sources of energy with experts in studio and on the screen. Now it seemed like Al was very positive on many of the subject and the products. Stephanie however was taking every opportunity to judge them as ridiculous. I mean she didn't say it, but the way she spoke and her responses just seemed derogatory and reminded me of the popular girls in school who put stuff down because it doesn't look pretty or has nothing to do with her fashion needs.
  Honestly for a while I was glad when Stephanie Abrams had time off for a while and Jen Carfango filled in a few times.
 I hope I've misinterpreted  Stephanie Abrams in these events and that I'm wrong about this, but so far it keeps getting more and more obvious of the type of person she is and I don't like having this be the start to my day. I really like the Weather Channel and I especially love Al Roker and the crew at AMHQ.   Stephanie Abrams however is starting to rub me the wrong way.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lindsey Stirling - yes son, that is a super star.

You know I have to say this because it is just one of the many things I respect about Lindsey Stirling. Something that so many other young female performers in Hollywood feel the need to do, but shouldn't because it isn't necessary.

 Lindsey, Thank you for keeping your clothes on.

Now don't misunderstand me. I have the greatest respect for women and especially women of singing, dancing and performing talent. Over the last 20 years there have been some absolutely phenomenal female performers and women with extraordinary music skills. Be it Singing or dancing or playing a instrument or all 3.  But I'm just tired of seeing so many young women feeling the need to expose themselves when it really isn't needed. There are some truly, amazing, talented and inspiring young women today. People of exquisite musical skill and beauty. Why do they take their clothes off? Why do they bring themselves to this level of exposure?
   They say it's them expressing themselves and their talent or breaking out of their shell into womanhood. I can understand wanting to do something that allows them to "Stand-Out" among the other talented women in Hollywood. Also I have no delusions of how difficult it is to succeed in that world.
  Lindsey Stirling has shown over the last 3 years that it isn't necessary to dress in skimpy outfits and exposing parts of her womanly body to be successful, talented and skilled. She hasn't swung naked on ball or worn a bikini out on stage or "Twerked" at all in her performances. She hasn't done acts of debauchery or talked down on other performers.   Yet she fills venues and sells out ticket offices every time she performs.
I truly respect Lindsey for showing real character and dignity in the entertainment world, by not stooping to the level some celebrities do. This is the kind of celebrity that kids can look up to and learn from.  I as a parent can feel safe knowing that there are celebrities out in the world that aren't exposing my son  to things he doesn't need to know about yet. Parents like me can point her out to our kids and say,"That is a super star."
Thank you Lindsey.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose - I KNOW!!!

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose:

'via Blog this'

I know what I want to do.  The sad part is that I don't know how to do it.
  This is because I'm already doing it, just not how/what I want it to be.

Let me clarify this for you. What I want to do is video/audio editing, which I am doing right now at a tv studio in Chicago. The problem is that it's not the kind of editing I want to do. I'm technically stuck. What I really want to do is go out and shoot video then edit it together with sound and create something that will affect people. Now I don't really want to do all the graphics and animations and stuff, but I like taking life and re-producing it on screen for others to experience. 
 I want to work with people on projects that I'm passionate about. I want to create videos and edit them into something that will cause a reaction in another person. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. I just want to create it.
 For so many years I did that on my own with almost no budget at all. The problem is that it doesn't produce any money. I can't survive or support my family doing what I want to do. So I'm stuck doing what I need to do to support my family. Just going through those questions and thinking about the subject of those questions brought it all back to me. The drive, the cause, the need to create something.  
 I've seen and watched so many other people produce such great products and productions on minimal budgets and for almost no money.  I want to be part of that. I want to do that and find the drive that brought me into Video Production in the first place. I have the skill and I have the drive, but I need a path. I've lost my way and I need a way back on the path I had.  
 It's so weird that only now that I think about it, that's why the last few years have felt like I was in a rut. My passion and drive is stifled and lost, but I have moments when I work on small side projects that seem to bring that passion back to the surface. But again, those side projects can't make money. They just seem to fill a temporary need/want. 
 I must find a cause or project that can catapult me back into my creative mind and inspire me to get the work done.

How do I find it? 
 Man, these are the times when I wish my muse would jump up and hit me with a baseball bat of inspiration. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Tri-Force of Independent Music Women.

Lindsey Stirling, Amy Lee and Orianthi Panagaris.

 I personally have listed to all 3 of these incredible women over the last 10 years. Each in their own genres of music, they both dominate and inspire in every way of musical excellence.
 Through trials and tribulations against their art, they have shown the world that they are strong, talented and will not be silenced or shutdown.
  I can honestly say that I haven't heard all of their music, but I am making a firm effort to find and listen to all their music.
 Amy Lee was my first encounter in this musical force. Her singing with the band Evanescence hooked me from the first moment it hit my ear drums. I have been hooked on her music ever since. Her ability with a microphone and a piano gives me chills and raises the hairs on my back to new heights of enjoyment that makes me thankful that my ears function properly. The story of her beginnings and where she is now, is truly inspiring.
 I was introduced to Orianthi Panagaris through Michael Jackson's movie "This is it". I can only imagine what her career might have been if the King of Pop had gone on his final tour with her. Her ability with the 6 string guitar is truly Amazing. You can name off  on one hand the top female guitarist in the world. She by far towers high above them. To see and hear the beautiful rifts that come off of her fingers tickling the strings of a "axe", is something every pair of ears needs to hear and appreciate. Her tale of discovery and continued excellence is beyond words of Divinity.
 I discovered Lindsey Stirling last of the 3 women. I happened across one of her videos on Youtube quite by chance about 4 years ago. It was astounding at the time I didn't think it was real. Then just yesterday I heard her hauntingly Awesome violin again over Satellite Radio. When I arrived home and looked her up, I was amazed that it was the same woman I had seen 4 years earlier.  I began searching the web and discovered that her playing and style was not only REAL, but Magnificent. I'm still discovering all that she is and I can say I am thoroughly impressed, especially with the resistance she originally received. When reading about where she came from and how she has succeeded in her craft is incredible.
 Then it struck me. 3 women, 3 string instruments, A tri-force of Music Power the likes of which no ear has ever heard.
 To combine Amy Lee's Piano, Lindsey Stirling's Violin and Orianthi Panagaris' Guitar, would be to possibly bring into creation the most epic music machine that has ever existed on this earth. If the talent of these three incredible women could be brought together for a song, a single, an album, a concert, a tour; could we possibly see .... Dare I say it... Music to tame the savage heart of mankind!

Oh what a incredible melody that could be.

Take these words as you will. Just the thoughts of a fan struck by these 3 amazing women of music.

Lindsaey Stirling - Shatter Me feat. Lzzy Hale

Orianthi Panagaris - Right Now

Evanescence - The Change

Thursday, September 11, 2014

REMEMBER, REMEMBER, THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER - the Senate's treason and costs!

These are the names of the Senate Representatives that voted down the "Democracy Restoration Act"or S.J.Res.19 & H.J.Res. 119 - A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.

In social standings it is known as the #GetMoneyOut of politics. Proposing that large contributions to political campaigns for election can no longer be accepted by politicians running for office. Therefore preventing Corporations and upper level citizens from buying political favors. 

Remember these names this coming November. Do NOT allow them to continue destroying our government!

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
John Barrasso, Wyoming
Roy Blunt, Missouri
John Boozman, Arkansas
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
Daniel Coats, Indiana
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Susan Collins, Maine
Bob Corker, Tennessee
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Crapo, Idaho 1
Ted Cruz, Texas
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Dean Heller, Nevada
John Hoeven, North Dakota
James Inhofe, Oklahoma
Johnny Isakson,
Mike Johanns, Nebraska
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Mike Lee, Utah
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Rob Portman, Ohio
Jim Risch, Idaho
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Marco Rubio, Florida
Tim Scott, South Carolina
Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Richard Shelby, Alabama
John Thune, South Dakota
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
David Vitter, Louisiana
Roger Wicker, Mississippi

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Struggle

How can one person save his family, his friends, his town, his county, his state, his country? What must they do when all governing opposition is set against change for the benefit of the whole? Why is faith they believe in perverted for the gains of a few, when it can open all to equality? Where does one start on a campaign to create change & equality for all & not just a few?

I ask myself this every day. The truth is, one person can only make change happen if others are willing to go along. We all have our view of a perfect life for ourselves & the people we love. Where they have what they need, but what about everyone else?
  Too many settle into complacency because they get what works for them & only them. They don't think about the person next door, down the street or on the next block south.
Does that make them a bad person?
Of course not.
Democracy was created to make all people equal under the law. Especially in the U.S.A. A war was fought for that equality. A Civil War was fought to preserve it. Does another war need to happen to restore the equality that has been fought for?
No one wants that, but the current political system in the U.S.A is corrupt. It took a long time to develop into this, which is why it wasn't stopped. It was subtle things that started years ago. It seemed harmless at first, but slowly it spread to the point that those in power are not working for the people's benefit as a whole. They only act to benefit those that give them the means to care for themselves and their families.
This cannot remain the Status Quo. Too many people are suffering from this. The rules that are in place that govern those who govern the people, are not sufficient. A new Justice/Policy system must be created to prevent  the corrupting of politicians, allowing them to make the proper decisions for all people, not the select few that can afford it.
This must be handled like treating a virus. You can either cut out the infected organs & hope the body can recover. Or you develop a vaccine that removes the infection & allows the body to function properly.
The governments infection is in the Presidency, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives and individual State Governors.
A new policy must be enforced on these offices to remove the corruption and preserve the offices that govern the people of the U.S.A. Most likely a branch of the Justice department that is independent of government bureaucracy and can thoroughly investigate all those in decision of political means that effect the people.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Homeworld: the game that Could be TV/Film/Webseries?

 Lets just start by saying I have no connection with the game or the companies currently owning the rights, I'm just a major fan.
  Now I played Homeworld when if first came out back in 1999. I LOVED the game. Not only did I play and finish the game I went back and replayed it 10-20 times. I loved figuring out new strategies for winning and searching online for tips and other strategies. I still own the game but since they stopped supporting the multiplayer, I haven't loaded it for a while.
  I played the additional games in the series, (Cataclysm and Homeworld 2) But I got stuck on Homeworld 2 and had to put it aside, though I never lost interest in the game.
 I followed along all the drama when THQ had the rights, as well as when the game was up for auction and now in the hands of Gearbox Software.
  Now there is a remastered version of the game due out this year and I am very excited to see what they come up with in ways of improving the game and making it as visually stunning as the great story in the game (though it would be cool to have a different story for the Taiidan campaign in the single player mode that is opposing the Kushan people.)

Now, onto the meat of the matter.  Anyone who has played this game, knows and loves the story of the Kushan people and their plight.  Based on this, I could see a very successful film/TV/Web-series being done using this story.
  To start you do something similar to Battlestar Galactica in aspect of drama and interpersonal stories, but the primary thing that I personally want done is to NOT have the characters be human. What would truly make this series unique and special is to have the two character races/species involved to be Alien. Which was one of the reasons I really enjoyed the game is that you don't get the impression that either race is human. They are alien creatures of two separate species. This would also allow the show to separate itself from previous shows like Battlestar Galactica.
  The base story of the game works perfectly. You have an alien race that makes a discovery on their home planet and use it to create a new interstellar and scientific/technological advancement, allowing them to explore space. Just as they test out their new Mothership's hyperdrive, the come under attack. This reveals that they have enemies that they didn't even know existed.
 The Kushan people that survive then come to find out through the events that there have been spies and movements working against the people but instead of stopping them from advancing, they have encouraged them. This encouragement was put in place so that The Kushan people could be exterminated when they violate a treaty that has existed for thousands of years, but no one knew about. The story proceeds from there as originally planned that they surviving Kushan people travel to their origin homeworld of 'Hiigara'.  Intermingling with the drama of losing loved ones and family, the crew of the mothership, especially of scientist Karan S'Jet, must deal with the realization that they have become outlaws in the galaxy and that they have enemies all around them.  The story goes into their development of new technologies and ship designs as they go along their journey home.
 Sampling from the games storyline, the story can include specific characters from multiple parts of the crew; Military, Scientific, Command, Political and Construction. This then plays into the interpersonal relationships of the different branches as well as the religious beliefs they have and how they are challenged to have faith in their leaders and where they look for hope.
 From a fans point of view, this could be a really great series that could span several seasons or films depending on how it's done. You could go Live Action or Animated depending on the budget as well as include computer generated characters or hand-drawn animation. The shows cast could be constantly changing(similar to that of Walking Dead) where you never know who will live and die. Honestly the first season could have the entire cast wiped clean for the next season. The only character that is integral to the series is Karan S'Jet. Or you could focus on just a specific set of characters per episode/Film. For example the pilot show/Film is about the command crew of the Mothership. The next episode is about the construction crew. The third is about the pilots of the fighters and corvettes defending the ship. The next could be about one of the crews of a frigate in the fleet. There is no limit to the options you could go with. The stories, drama and characters you could do is wide open.

I personally would love to see this done as a long series either on the web(Netflix, Hulu,Youtube, Crackle, etc) or on network tv. I think in a Animated/Anime form would be excellent or as Live Action series. The ability to go beyond the game and tell the stories of the crew and the Kushan people is the real challenge.
  In essence, there is an opportunity to create a new Sci-Fi drama series that could rival Star Wars.

Homeworld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'via Blog this'
Gearbox Software Homeworld.
Homeworld Game and Art

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I am supporting  the Avon Walk For Breast Cancer on May 31st & June 1st.
I am unable to participate in the walk this year, but  I want to continue my support of the event. We are raising as a team which will allow us to assist each other in hitting our fundraising goals.
Your contribution will help to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country. There is a special focus on helping medically underserved women, the poor, minorities, the elderly, or those with inadequate health insurance. And much of the money granted by the Foundation goes back to the communities where it was raised, supporting everything from local grassroots programs to national organizations.
Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support..
Please donate at:

Thanks Again for your support.
TJ Shields.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed | The Mind Unleashed

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed | The Mind Unleashed:

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1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What is important in your life? What Fills your life?

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles roll
ed into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’
The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed..
‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—-your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else—-the small stuff.
‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.
Take care of the golf balls first—-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked.’ The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.
'via Blog this'

Monday, April 21, 2014

Every day I wake up Scared.

You know what is the worst? Waking up scared every day.
  Every morning I wake up in pure dread. For myself, for my family and never knowing if it's going to get better.
  Faith helps. I believe in a higher power and that there is something beyond  human comprehension out there, but I can't rely on it to solve my problems or help me.
   Positive attitude helps. I try to see the bright side to all things. I know that; for every up there is a down. every dark cloud has a silver lining, every closed door has an open window, but me being Libra and knowing that there must be a balance, I can't know that the good things will come my way when there is a need stronger then mine in the world.
  Holding my son really helps. The comfort and security in knowing that my young son holds me and knows that I would do anything for him and keep him safe. The unconditional love of a child heals those worries and for only a few minutes I have hope that some good will come my way. Even if it's just that moment in the morning when I come in after he is awake, I see the smile on his face, then I pick him up and he just lays his head on my shoulder and I can feel his arms squeeze me gently and I just hold him for a minute or two. Boy man, that really helps me.

  Then I walk out that door and start walking to work. I have to listen to music or a book just to keep the dark thoughts from invading my brain.
 I can't even imagine what it's like for those who are homeless out on the streets where every day is a challenge just to find food or a safe place to sleep.   I can't even think about how a sick person in a hospital bed must feel. Whether in pain or waiting for the doctors to figure out what is wrong and fix them, all the while hoping that their medical insurance is enough or if they will have enough money to keep them well. Worse of all, those people who wake up in a war-torn country knowing that just walking out the door is a risk to them and their family. I can't figure out why I am able to think about my problems and even try to compare them to those who suffer around the world. Where human beings are treated cruelly just for their status or color or religious beliefs. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why can't we all see that we are all of the same race of humans and find a way to put our differences aside and work for the common good? Why does there have to be a separation of classes and people by money and power?  What is the Point of that?!

  I want so much to make the world NOT like this. But How? How can I, just one man, change the ways of thousands, upon millions, of people who are suffering just as much if not more then me? How do I change hundreds of years of stereotypes, hate and religious bigotry that exists between human beings?  How do I get people to see that there is enough for everyone to be happy? That we can all live with each other in peace and everyone can get what they want/need to be happy?  That we can all believe in whatever religious or personal belief system they want and no one is right or wrong?

  I just wish I could understand. To fine a point of logic to all this hurt, suffering, unhappiness and pain that human beings inflict on themselves for no logical point, other than to protect and provide for themselves and the people they care for. I just want to know what it would take.  What does the world need to know for every human being to stop and think about how what they are doing effects all the people in the world and how it is helping or hurt them?
 The sad thing I know is I may never find an answer. That though I pose this question, I may never get an answer that satisfies my want to help people make this world a better place for my son, my family and all the other people in the world. But you know what.....I'm going to do it anyway. SCREW IT! I don't care if I get help or not. I'm going to try the best I can to make this world a better place for my son, my family, my friends and every human being that is born on this world of ours and is trying to make a better life for themselves. I'm going to do it.  Even if it means giving up my life and having to lay it down for another, I'll do it.

Because I remember the words of my guru and faith, the words that have stoked a fire in my soul for years. "There is no greater love says the lord, than to lay down your life for a friend," & " DO or DO NOT, There is no TRY!"

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The End of 3 Decade story that will cause a lake of Tears from Star Wars Fans

Op-ed: Disney takes a chainsaw to the Star Wars expanded universe

 The decision made by the Walt Disney company to tear down the Star Wars Expanded Universe canon (all stories/novels/comics/video games that existed outside of the 6 feature films) is truly sad for all Star Wars fans.
  I am one of those fans. I remember being on vacation with my family in Colorado in 1991, when I first saw Star Wars: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn sitting on the book sales rack at the grocery store we were in.  I was shocked!!!  I had seen many a kid's book that referenced the Star Wars movies but Never had I seen a Novel. I instantly bought it. I must have read it 2-3 times. When the next book and the third book came out I read them both again and again. I was so excited to finally know what happened to my favorite characters and their continuing adventures. Also to read about all the new characters was even more impressive and fun.  Years later I would continue reading on and on about my favorite characters in the massive series of novels that came out. In addition to the Series' of comics that Dark Horse Publishing was releasing, all seeming to stick with the story line of the Star Wars Universe. Even novels like "Splinter of a Mind's Eye" and "Shadow's of the Empire" which took place in-between the original Trilogy movies were Excellent.
   I was well into the reading when the announcement of the re-releasing of original trilogy and the new 3 Star Wars movies. I was Thrilled! What I loved most about the movies was that they stayed within the Star Wars Expanded universe and didn't take away from any of what the novels had laid down.
 Now regardless of what the author Lee Hutchinson says about the novels and comics, I'm no expert on story and writing, but I know that the stories gave me the characters and excitement I wanted and allowed me to continue living in the Star Wars Universe from my youth up to my adulthood.
  Regardless of Disney wanting to create new movies for the Star Wars Series of Films, they should take into account the thousands of published works and that Lucasfilm both commissioned and allowed the novelists  and comic book writers to publish these works and keep the idea and values of the Star Wars series alive and current in the minds of it's fans and new interested readers.
  Even now, you can go on and and read the reviews on these novels and comic book productions that have entertained fans for 3 decades (1980-2010).

  I'm not saying that they shouldn't change things. Cleaning out the published works that have no bearing on the movement of the story forward and concerning the characters from all 6 movies and the animated series that have been made for the current Star Wars Canon makes sense. But they should keep the works that have been responsible for keeping the fans interested and continued following the Star Wars Epic for all the years after Return of the Jedi left the theaters. For example, The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn is regarded as the biggest and most accepted series in the Star Wars EU(expanded universe) and should be allowed to continue to exist in the story line.  Any novels and comics that have been written about the main characters and have kept the story moving forward through the years should be kept.
 I personally don't want any of the novels I grew up with to be taken out of the EU, but I will admit that taking steps to streamline the story for the new films makes sense. My only concern is that it benefit Disney more then hurt for them to keep the stories that the fans appreciate more than what could be created in the new films.  As with Episodes I-III, many fans were very disappointed in the stories that were created and what has come after them.  The Star Wars Saga has a chance to continue on for new generations to enjoy, But Disney must be careful to not offend too many fans that have stood by the name and story of Star Wars since their youth.

 I caution Disney in taking this action, but I fear that I won't be heard.
 I love Star Wars. The material has been a major part of who I am and the Man that I have become. It's ideas and mythology has been the strength behind my convictions and decisions I have made in my life. I will continue to love and look for guidance from the lessons that Star Wars gives. I will still hold onto my books and re-read them when they are taken out of the EU since they were the stories that gave me an escape from the cruel world around me. I will stand with Star Wars, but Disney has gone down a notch in my heart for taking something so precious away from me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I am a Murphy's Law/Bad Luck/Karmatic Magnet!

I'm just going to lay it out like it is, but not in the order that it happened because honestly I just need to get this off my chest.
 Here we go....

 My wife and I got married, we moved into a house together and we have a son. All this happened in the last 2 years.
  Now to start, after moving into our new home, we planned on renting my old condo since we were not going to be able to get what I originally paid for it back in 2004. We even dropped the rental price to be less then the more expensive in the area.  NO HITS. We then decided to sell it. Unfortunately we decided this just before the winter and the holiday season set in, so we got very few hits. In the mean time, I'm now paying 2 mortgages (house and condo) and assessments for the condo. And to add insult to injury the mortgage company (Ellswa Argofa) decided to raise our house mortgage payments by about 20%.
  Next, my wife when she had our son was working as a High School English Teacher in Rockford IL. So her stress levels were very high.  The pregnancy went through some major turbulence because we live about 15 minutes from Chicago and Rockford IL is about a 2 hour drive from our house.  The spring/summer/fall portion of that period was VERY hot (check Rockford, IL weather for Summer 2013), and the school has NO central A/C and NO window units for the rooms.  Now after request for A/C as a medical need was sent from the doctors and insurance companies to the school, they refused to install AC for my wife.
   When my wife had our son, she only took about 2 weeks off to recover. She then started back almost immediately full time at the school. Our son had to make the treck to Rockford, IL with my wife for daycare because of our works schedules. Basically the ones closer to our home closed before either of us got home from work. Also one of us needed to be available to pick him up if there was an emergency. This was also a factor because of the financial demands above. Both paychecks were needed.
  Now about 4 months into the year my wife came under the weather with Postpartum Depression. This unfortunately came about because of the High Stresses of her job, combined with taking care of our son and the long commute to and from work. Not to mention the 36 hour delivery of our son and complications that occurred there-after. I tried my best to relieve her stress levels and take some of the load off, but it wasn't going to be enough.  My wife was under orders to take medical rest by her doctors and therapists, but almost all of her sick leave was used up when my son was born. In addition, her therapists requested from the school that because of her stress levels, she must be allowed to finish her day 2 hours early in order to pick up my son and have more time to handle the commute home. This would also allow us to have my son go to a local daycare, making it unnecessary to travel the 2 hrs to Rockford. Once again, the school refused. They demanded that my wife return to her full time schedule. When she refused they told her(basically) to stay home without pay. We have decided that this has been in effort to make her quit since firing her would violate the terms of her contract. She has been trying to find a new job that is closer to home and easier for her to manage, but no such luck.
  Now combine all this together with our regular stresses and financial amounts and we are now up to our necks in trouble. Basically, my pay check is the only one coming in and it hasn't been enough. I have burned through almost all of my savings and we are now coming into tax season and I have the State real estate taxes due on the condo plus the 2 mortgages and all the rest of our spending.  In short, with in 2 months my wife and I will be bankrupt and lose the house and condo.
  So my wife will again have to start working in Rockford and my son will have to travel with her as well to daycare.  We can only hope that we can sell my condo and my wife can find another job closer to home so that we can afford to keep the house and live a somewhat comfortable and economical life together.
 But I think are chances are better at winning lotto, then again i've been wrong Maybe?

Update: My wife's therapist thinks that if she goes back to work in Rockford, she will slip further into her postpartum depression and things could worsen.

My resurrection request to Ben & Jerry's

What flavor do you want resurrected?

Dublin Mudslide.

 Tell us a little about why you like this flavor?

EVERYTHING! I love absolutely everything about this combination of flavors! When I first discovered it, it was all I ever purchased. I even moved away from my other favorites. But then diet issues came up and I had to restrain myself.  Now St. Patricks Day is coming up and I am Craving the delicious flavors.
 The thing that I loved the most about this particular flavor is that it was always easy to eat. Most of the Ben & Jerry's when you purchase it and store it in the freezer, you have to wait a few minutes for it to thaw a little before eating. With Dublin Mudslide it was still soft even after being in the freezer. I could always get a full spoon of delicious goodness, without having to strain or bend the spoon to get it. I knew this was because of the Liquor content of the ice cream. Making it unique from all the other flavors.
Please, if only for the Holiday of the Irish, bring it back. Please. :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Amazing Spider-man (Sony) Joins the Avengers (Marvel/Disney) Cinematic Universe .

Comic-Con: Andrew Garfield Wants Spider-Man To Join The Avengers – Gasp!

I like the fact that Andre Garfield is interested in joining the Marvel Cinematic universe. People are all over the place in how they would do it. Disney/Marvel, Sony and Fox combining all the movies together, finding continuity etc.
   In that aspect, Amazing Spider-man is easy. Norman Osborn  & Oscorp has always been involved in government/military contracts for technology development & weaponry. His work with the spiders was never meant to be used on human beings. Spider-man was an accidental side-effect, but the research that Peter's father was involved in could be directly linked to the Super-Soldier program mentioned in The Incredible Hulk and Captain America. As long as Sony keeps the door open that way, they could make references to Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. indirectly. Also, in the comics(Ultimate Comics) SHIELD always said they were watching Spider-man but never got involved. This could be the one part to link Spider-man into the field.
  If Sony does want to join the party and leaves the Continuity openings, then there is no reason why Amazing Spider-man can't join The Avengers. Sony has a better chance of joining the ride then Fox does.  Fox has already written their own world using the X-men movies that basically leaves no room for joining Marvel/Disney's continuity. Sony Hasn't yet. They have a chance to move in, if they keep the storyline open. Having Spider-man join really is easy. All they have to do is shoot one scene involving Spider-man involved in the battle of New York against the Chitauri and then have a Spider-man meet-up with  Nick Fury, Hawkeye or Captain America and Boom, the rest is left up to simple creative writing.

Humanities greatest downfall is itself.

Exposing The Money Behind Climate Change Denial Published On September 21, 2013 | By Veruca |

Shocking!! I had no idea the depths that the denial had gone, to the point that corporations are actually paying for disinformation and erodius claims against the scientific facts of Climate Change. All just for profit........Do they even realize the damage they are doing and that future generations that will be denied even the simplest enjoyments we now have?!
This truly makes me sad and hurt. I have faith in God. I have strong confidence is science and technological advancements. But this just makes me very upset that once again Humanities biggest rival to it's itself.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Underdog Rocks and the story behind my love of this Hero

Back in 2007, Disney studios came out with a movie about a classic cartoon hero named "UNDERDOG". Now I personally was very excited about this movie because I was a huge fan of the cartoon when I was a kid. I watched it everyday when I got home from school. This was back in the early 80's when they still aired the old cartoons like Spider-man, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Tennessee Tuxedo, etc.
  Underdog was my favorite out of these shows and he was my personal hero. To this day I still root for the "underdogs" in the world. Be it political groups or one-man start-up organizations, or any group that strives to go beyond what the big machines turn out.
  Now my biggest fandom came from Underdog's theme song. It was really a cool little tune and I really enjoyed hearing it.  Granted when the Disney movie came out they did their own versions of the song. This honestly was one of the few shinning moments of the movie. The film unfortunately didn't really take the concept of Underdog to his potential and honestly made it far to silly and comical for my taste. The big favorite for me was the opening introduction of the movie where we see scenes from the original cartoon and a new version of the UNDERDOG Theme.
 Now I personally liked the new theme and I was hoping to get a hold of the song when the soundtrack came out. Sadly when I went looking for it, the song wasn't on the album. There was a rap-like mix on the album by Kyle Massey. I later found out through internet chatter that the song was performed by the band Plain White T's. I then began searching for versions of the song online through audio groups and YouTube. By now the song had been dubbed "Underdog Rocks" by Plain White T's Underdog Rocks,  but there was still no way to download the full song anywhere online or in the store and the soundtrack for the movie still doesn't have the song available. Through my searching I came upon a blog entry about this subject and read it and found I was not the only one bothered by this.

The Underdog Theme

 To this end I have decided to take this to the Plain White T's themselves and see if I can get an answer to this question. I'm hopeful that they will be able to supply me with a better answer to this and maybe a way to find this elusive and desired track of music.

 I was interested in discovering the reason behind and un-released song.
  It is well known that the intro to the movie UNDERDOG as well as several scenes of the movie are accompanied by a version of the original Underdog theme Sung by The Plain White T's.
 This version of the song was not released on the movie soundtrack. Can you explain why this song isn't available?
 It is referred too online as the "Underdog Rocks" song by Plain White T's.
 Do you actually have information surrounding this un-released track and why it hasn't been released in full?  There are many fans not just of the band but also of the movie and the original TV show theme music that are very interested in finding a complete version of this track.
  It would be most generous if you could make this song available for purchase.
Thank you.